Founded the 4th Revolution Technical Center, UMN and Silla University prepare the Younger Generation to Master the Field of Industry 4.0
October 7, 2021
Once again, UMN and UNILA to Host 4th ICEBE
October 11, 2021TANGERANG – The Covid-19 pandemic began to decline and various institutions began to adapt to new circumstances, including for educational institutions. Responding to the recommendations of the Ministry of Education and Culture and with the permission of the Tangerang Regency Government, Multimedia Nusantara University (UMN) will start holding hybrid lectures.
The hybrid lecture system is a combination of face-to-face lectures and online lectures. This system utilizes innovation and technological advances so as to produce maximum interaction and participation than just online. In preparing for this hybrid condition, UMN building becomes a safe and comfortable building for student activities, both in lecture activities and student activities.

Umn’s environment full of trees makes it environmentally friendly. (Doc. UMN)
Long before the pandemic, UMN buildings were built with environmentally friendly commitments. Many student activity spaces are deliberately made open and exposed by shady trees. This commitment led UMN to the achievement of the 2014 ASEAN Energy Awards 2014 Southeast Asia Champion in the Tropical Building category and became the first greenest private campus in UI Greenmetric 2020. Umn building is also built with optimal air circulation so that fresh air from the trees can enter the building well. Double skin façade technology in the building also makes the classrooms still feel comfortable and cool.

UMN has a learning environment with open spaces and filled with shady trees. (umn doc)
Umn’s beautiful campus environment is a supporter of student hybrid activities although it remains with stricter protocols than usual conditions. Vice Rector for General Administration and Finance Ir. Andrey Andoko, M.Sc. said that facilities are prepared so that hybrid lectures run optimally.
“UMN has prepared classrooms and laboratories that will be used for hybrid lectures by installing enhancements, namely cameras and microphones connected to the internet, so that students who attend lectures online can still follow lecturers who teach from the classroom. Vice versa, students in the classroom can see their friends who study online, “said Andrey.
Students who get a schedule to come to campus will still be limited, considering the crowd should be avoided and reduce the occurrence of physical contact. This limited situation requires the innovation of learning systems that can be implemented in new habitual situations. Umn Vice Rector for Academic Affairs Dr. Friska Natalia, S.Kom., M.T. explained that the study program chose practicum courses to be made hybridly.
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“Practicum courses that are carried out hybridly are supported by materials that can ensure online students and onsite students can still get the same understanding. Hybrid lectures can also be used to ensure that CPL (Graduate Learning Achievement) students are achieved and students will get more experimentation by coming directly to campuses whose learning facilities are more adequate,” said Friska ensuring the academic interests of students.
Further explaining, Friska also mentioned that the UMN Academic Information Bureau prepares itself with the coordination and monitoring of hybrid lectures. Hopefully, the lecture will run well and smoothly with monitored health protocols so that activities on campus can come back to life.
“It is expected that hybrid lectures can run well and smoothly and be followed by improved conditions. One by one the study program is also expected to open courses that can be implemented hybridly, so that more and more students return to campus to study and the atmosphere of the UMN campus becomes more lively, “explained Friska.

The process of socialization and hybrid lecture trials for lecturers by the Umn Information Technology Division (doc. UMN)
Before the hybrid lecture was held, socialization and hybrid class trials were held for lecturers by the Academic Information Bureau (BIA) on Wednesday (6/10). This socialization and trial is facilitated by the Division of Health Safety Environment (HSE) and the Division of Information Technology (IT). The HSE Division is tasked with socializing regulations related to the health protocols of everyone who will attend the UMN campus and the IT Division is tasked with socializing hybrid lecture support devices that will be used by lecturers and students later.
Hybrid lecture facilities and systems that have been prepared will be carried out in the eighth week, after the Odd Midterm Examination 2021/2022 is completed. Face-to-face lectures are conducted with a maximum class capacity of 30% of normal capacity and with a maximum study length of two hours for each meeting. Students attending hybrid colleges are also required to have their consent from parents. Hybrid lectures will run until there is a change in conditions and conditions issued by the Government.
by Stephanus Novi | UMN News Service
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