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The 2D animated film “Ahasveros” was nominated for FFI 2021 (doc. Instagram @festivalfilmid and Kemal Hasan)
TANGERANG – “Ahasveros”, a two-dimensional (2D) animated short film directed by UMN Pictures was nominated for the 2021 Indonesian Film Festival Citra Cup for “Best Animated Short Film”. The announcement of the top five nominations was held last Sunday (10/10/21), after previously announced in the top 20 short animated films from the Recommendation of the Association of Short Animated Films from the Indonesian Animation Industry Association (AINAKI) on September 22, 2021.
“Ahasveros” is a short journey by bohemian poet Chairil Anwar in his quest to leave a trace of his image in a world that is constantly moving and changing. Director of PT Multimedia Digital Nusantara (UMN Pictures) and Film Producer “Ahasveros” also revealed that the film with a 1940s setting is the result of interpretation of books containing the story of a Chairil Anwar.
“Animated films as a medium have unique visual achievements because chairil Anwar’s life story in the setting and friendship with great Indonesian painters is also a unique story,” said Kemal.
Furthermore, Kemal also explained other attractions that UMN Pictures tried to highlight through this animated film. One of them, he said “Ahasveros” uses a visual style with a “film noir” or black and white background. Because of this, he revealed the coloring in the movie “Ahasveros” does not focus on its color spectrum. However, the film plays more of its color tone. According to him, the technique of coloring black and white in animated films becomes a difficult thing to do.

A collection of footage of the movie “Ahasveros” that uses the background of “film noir” (doc. Kemal Hasan)
“”Technically, film animation with black and white coloring is difficult. Because we play the gradation of light to dark and vice versa so we think that is also one of the important points, in addition to the story, “said Kemal.
The 2D animated film made by UMN director and alumni, Bobby Fernando, is also recorded to have chalked up a number of international achievements. First, the film became the “Official Selection” at the New Chitose Airport International Festival 2020, Sapporo, Japan. In addition, the film was also nominated for “New Directions” at kaboom animation festival 2021, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. In 2021, “Ahasveros” also had the opportunity to be nominated for “Best Animated Short Film” at the 2021 Indonesian Film Festival. The 2021 Indonesian Film Festival Awards Night will take place on November 10, 2021.
“Being the 2021 FFI nominee will give more exposure to “Ahasveros” so it’s great for this film. Hopefully it can be watched by the wider community and if this film is watched by many people of course we will be happy,” kemal said.
By Melinda Chang | UMN News Service
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