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November 7, 2023Sharing Session with Digital Journalism Alumnae
November 7, 2023A group photo session at KAMI UMN’s Pound Party event. (Doc. KAMI UMN)
TANGERANG – The Alumni Family of Multimedia Nusantara University (Keluarga Alumni/KAMI UMN), in collaboration with Starlight UMN, held a Pound Party, a series of Pound Fit sports events. Also invited were UMN Alumni as Pound Pros, namely Marcela Stefanie (Communication Science 2009) and Cut Alia Masturina (Accounting 2010). The event was held at UMN’s Function Hall on Friday (6/10/2023).
According to the Chief Executive of the event, Aina Wardah Fauzia, pound fit is currently favored by most people because it has positive benefits that can burn up to 900 calories.
“In addition, it also aims to invite UMN Alumni to reunite, meet again, and strengthen relationships in a fun way,” she said.
Pound Fit itself is a cardio sport that is done with movements like playing drums using sticks, lasting approximately 45-60 minutes.
Pound Pro UMN alumni Marcela Stefanie (right) and Cut Alia Masturina (left) (Doc. KAMI UMN)
Maybe for some people, exercise is not a fun activity. However, many people want to exercise in a fun way to get the maximum benefits. Pound Fit can be the right exercise choice because you get to exercise while having fun.
Participated by students, staff, lecturers, and alumni, the event was lively and exciting. After the event, the alumni gathered and chatted with each other. Then, it closed with a group photo.
Aina hopes that every activity created by Alumni Relations and KAMI UMN is always held to maintain the relationship between alumni and their alma mater. So that they can continue to be connected, even though it is not intense, and always be able to make small and large-scale activities with the Alumni.
KAMI UMN’s Pound Party (Doc. KAMI UMN)
by Annisa Maulida | UMN News Service
English translation by Levina Chrestella Theodora
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