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August 28, 2023KAMI UMN Symbolic Gift for VCD Study Program. (Doc. UMN)
TANGERANG – The Alumni Family (Keluarga Alumni/KAMI) of Multimedia Nusantara University (UMN) (KAMI UMN) handed over books to the Film and Animation Study Program and Architecture Study Program which can be accessed at the UMN Library, as well as bean bags and sitting mats for the Visual Communication Design (VCD) Study Program. The symbolic handover was carried out as a form of dedication and attention from the alumni to the alma mater, which was the place to carry out knowledge while at the UMN Faculty of Art and Design. It was held in the VCD Study Program room and Library on Tuesday (13/6/2023).
On this occasion, it was also attended by UMN Vice-Rector for Student Affairs Ika Yanuarti, UMN External Student Affairs Manager Elfira Fitri Wahyono, Dean of the Faculty of Monday and Design Muhammad Cahya Mulya Daulay, Chair of the VCD Study Program Fonita Theresia Yoliando, Chair of the Architecture Study Program Irma Desiyana, and Secretary of the Film and Animation Study Program Christian Aditya, and KAMI UMN Representative Aina Wardah Fauzia (UMN Management Alumni class of 2014).
This contribution is one proof of active alumni support for the development of study programs and active UMN students.
Ika explained that the purpose of making this contribution was so that KAMI UMN could contribute to its alma mater. So the term is ‘back to campus’ by providing helpful equipment to the study program, and alumni do not forget their alma mater. Because during college, they gained a lot of knowledge in the study program, so now is the time to give something to the study program.
The items given by KAMI UMN are in the form of Bean Bags and sitting mats for the VCD Study Program lounge, which students and lecturers can use to conduct guidance and assistance.
The VCD study program lecture process has been greatly fulfilled by the library and laboratory. However, there is a desire to make the lecture atmosphere more comfortable and less formal. The VCD study program has 3 lecture rooms of different types, namely very formal with projectors, open spaces, and casual spaces.
“So, from KAMI UMN’s assistance it really helps us to create a third room so that students can be more comfortable in the guidance process. The hope is that they can be more productive because if designers are too formal, it is difficult to get creative ideas,” said Fonita.
KAMI UMN Symbolic Gift for Film and Animation Study Program. (Doc. UMN)
Then, assistance in the form of books for the Film and Animation Study Program, which consists of:
- Non-Drama Television Show Production Guide
- Becoming a Television Producer
- TV Programming: As a System to Reach the Optimal Number of Audiences
- Broadcast Media Sound Communication: Sound & Presentation
- The Magic of Blender 3D Animation
- Film & Mass Communication
In addition to the need for facilities in the form of film and animation production equipment, students and lecturers also need books as references for making works, assignments, research, and final projects.
“Of course, with the hope that these books can be useful for fellow students looking for references and additional knowledge,” Christian explained.
KAMI UMN Symbolic Gift for Architecture Study Program. (Doc. UMN)
The books for the Architecture Study Program are as follows:
- Destination architecture: the essential guide to 1000 contemporary buildings
- Jakarta a dining history: the transformation of the capital’s restaurant landscape from the 19th Century to 1990
- Timber structures: analysis and design with LRFD
- Architectural design planning methods
The Architecture Study Program is pleased to be given the assistance of reference books on Architecture needed for the needs of Architecture students and lecturers.
“Because books in Architecture are quite expensive, but very much needed. When alumni give it to the campus and their juniors, it benefits us,” said Irma.
All material contributions are tailored to the needs of each study program. The specifications of the goods are determined by the Head of Study Program and with the approval of the Dean. It is adjusted to the needs of the study program so that it can be more beneficial for daily teaching and learning activities.
by Annisa Maulida | UMN News Service
English translation by Levina Chrestella Theodora
Kuliah di Jakarta untuk jurusan program studi Informatika| Sistem Informasi | Teknik Komputer | Teknik Elektro | Teknik Fisika | Akuntansi | Manajemen| Komunikasi Strategis | Jurnalistik | Desain Komunikasi Visual | Film dan Animasi | Arsitektur | D3 Perhotelan , di Universitas Multimedia Nusantara. www.umn.ac.id