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September 12, 2022Information System Application. Ever heard of information systems? Currently, information system applications are used in various fields to help facilitate various human activities and the use of technology. With today’s sophistication of technology, various kinds of things are easier to do. Information systems have been used in various fields, one of which is corporate business.
So this information system can be said as a system that combines human activities and the use of technology that supports management in operational activities. Currently, the application of information systems is not only used in the field of information and communication technology but is also used properly in business processes that require information system control.
Understanding Information Systems
The main discussion is about what is an information system. In the language of the system means a collection of several people or people who work together in a direction to achieve a goal. Information is a collection of data that is processed to become more useful.
From these two things, an information system can be interpreted as a system in which there is a collection of information. This collection of information has an operational relationship to the organization or group. Later this is used in making the necessary decisions.
Information System Applications in Daily Life
After knowing the meaning of an information system, the next thing that will be discussed is an example of an information system application. Conscious or not that there are many examples of the application of information systems in everyday life. Examples of these are applied in the fields of education, work, etc., among others.
Information System Application: E-Commerce
First, there is E-Commerce which is included in information systems and applications in the economic and business fields. Every need for buying and selling goods and services that are carried out online through an application based on a website or mobile is one example of e-commerce.
Examples of information system applications that use e-commerce such as Shopee, Lazada, TokoPedia, BukaLapak, and so on.
Information System Application: E-Learning
E-learning or electronic learning is an information system that is applied in schools. The application of data that is processed and disseminated through technology.
There are many benefits from the presence of information system applications in the field of education, including convenience. The convenience offered not only saves time but also saves paper. Therefore this example of an information system is very useful and widely used in everyday life.
Information System Application: Fleet Management System
The fleet management system is an information system application that will assist the process of monitoring the logistics fleet and delivery of goods so that the tracking process becomes more systematic and continues to be centralized. Usually, this system responds to the detected location by using the help of GPS.
Information System Application: Integrated Service System for Students
This student service system was created to facilitate student activities on campus activities. One of the activities is to obtain results from academic activities in the form of tests or other activities. In addition, the application of this information system can also facilitate the registration of the desired courses each semester. Students do not need to come directly to campus to carry out these activities. These students are only enough to open the available applications.
Information System Application: Online Booking
Next is the application of information systems in placing orders online. Reservations that can be made online can be in the form of transportation tickets, concert tickets, and hotels. Apart from these things, many other things can be ordered online, either on a website or an application.
The way it works is also very easy, one only needs to choose what things they want to order online. Later that person will get evidence in the form of a successful booking. After the evidence is obtained, the person can immediately exchange the existing ticket.
Information System Application: Office Automation System
The office automation system is the advantage of information system applications that can combine various kinds of information technology equipment on server devices for computer network needs. The main purpose is usually used to simplify the communication process so that it runs more effectively and efficiently.
Information System Application: Transaction Processing System
The last example is the transaction processing system which is an information system for organizations and companies on certain routine business operations. The implementation process of this transaction processing system includes financial transaction activities, re-registration, and various other administrative activities.
Information System Application: Video Call
This is an information system where the application is on the cellphone. The way it works is extraordinary, it’s easy to just download an application that provides video call facilities. Then just register via telephone number.
In this day and age, many applications provide video call facilities, even though these facilities are already built-in on mobile phones. Usually, this video call facility is integrated with a chat application that uses internet quota as a means. So to make this video call make sure you have an internet connection.
Information System Application: Enterprise Resource Planning
This is an example of a company management information system that not many ordinary people know about. This information system is widely used by several companies because it facilitates their activities. Many large companies have used this system.
This system functions in terms of monitoring or supervision of company management. Furthermore, this system is also connected to the fields of work units in finance, marketing, operations, and others. Things that used to take a long time can now be done in a short time.
Information System Application: Artificial Intelligence
One of these information systems was previously used by companies. Artificial Intelligence or artificial intelligence greatly facilitates the transaction process in the company. Seeing the sophistication of A.I, it is not surprising that many have applied this to other places.
Perhaps the most widely heard and most often heard is that AI is applied to mobile phones. The way this system works is to solve existing problems with the knowledge of the experts who have been included in it. So the system that is processed to produce this information still comes from humans as well.
Read: Information System and The Career Prospect
There are various examples of information systems in everyday life and maybe one of them you use. Knowing examples of these information systems can help you understand a little about the benefits and functions of information systems. You can learn more about information systems at Multimedia Nusantara University.
There is much other interesting information that you can access through the official UMN website. On the website, you can also choose the online registration procedure according to your criteria. Come on, register now and start your career with UMN!
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