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September 12, 2022KIP independent path. The Smart Indonesia Card (Kartu Indonesia Pintar/KIP Kuliah) is a program by the Indonesian government aimed to provide opportunities for prospective students who cannot afford to apply to public and private universities. The registration of KIP for the Independent Selection of Public and Private Universities will be opened in June 2022.
Based on the 2022 KIP Independent Path registration schedule found on the KIP page of the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Technology, the registration schedule for the self-chosen Public Univerity KIP Independent Path registrants starts from June 1st, 2022, to October 7, 2022. In addition, students who want to enroll in private campuses through their own paths can also register on the KIP route until October 31, 2022.
What can be gained from the KIP scholarship?
The assistance that will be given to recipients of the Independent KIP Pathway consists of tuition fees and living costs which are divided into several categories.
The cost of education will be seen from the accreditation of the study program chosen by the scholarship recipient. The calculation is as follows:
- Education costs for A-accredited study programs: a maximum of IDR 12 million per semester.
- Cost of education for B-accredited study programs: a maximum of IDR 4 million per semester.
- Accreditation study program tuition fee c: maximum IDR 2.4 million per semester.
This scholarship also includes living expenses assistance which is divided into five clusters, namely:
- Cluster 1 living cost: IDR 800,000 per month.
- Cluster 2 living costs: IDR 950,000 per month.
- Cluster 3 living costs: IDR 1.1 million per month.
- Cluster 4 living cost: IDR 1.25 million per month.
- Cluster 5 living cost: IDR 1.4 million per month.
General Requirements for KIP Independent Path
The following are some of the things that must be fulfilled by prospective recipients of the KIP Independent Pathway:
- The prospective recipient of the KIP scholarship is a high school or equivalent student who will graduate this year or has graduated a maximum of 2 years ago.
- Prospective recipients of KIP have good academic achievements and potential but are constrained by economic limitations, which official documents can prove.
- The recipient has officially passed the selection of the new student admissions and is indeed accepted at a State or Private university with a study program accredited A or B. It could be with various considerations with specific study programs accredited C.
KIP Independent Path Special Requirements
Economic limitations are indeed one of the absolute requirements for the recipients of the KIP scholarship. However, this status must be proven with various conditions as below:
- Prospective recipients of the KIP scholarship are already included in the lists of individuals who received the KIP or Smart Indonesia Card at the previous level of education.
- Prospective KIP scholarship recipients come from families in the Hope Family Program (Program Keluarga Harapan/PKH).
- Prospective KIP scholarship recipients also come from families who hold the Prosperous Family Cards (Kartu Keluarga Sejahtera/KKS).
- Prospective recipients of the KIP scholarship live or come from a social institution or orphanage.
- Prospective recipients of the KIP scholarship come from families in the low diesel category or category 4 in the Social Welfare Integrated Data.
Students who wish to enter the KIP Scholarship Program will be accepted even if they do not meet the requirements above. However, it must be ensured that the recipient is genuinely financially incapable. Evidence can be obtained by adding up the income of parents, mothers and fathers. A maximum of IDR 4,000,000 per month, or if the total monthly income is divided by each family member, each receives a maximum of IDR 750,000.
Remember to use actual data so you can support this program so that it is right on target.
KIP Path Registration Stages
- Students can directly register independently on the KIP System website on the page.
- At the time of registration, students enter a valid and active ID number, National Student Identification Number, National School Number, and email address.
- The KIP system will then validate the ID number, National Student Identification Number, National School Number, and the eligibility to get the College KIP. (ID number is used to obtain socio-economic information in the Ministry of Social’s Integrated Social Disparity Data. Students who are not/not yet registered must complete economic and asset data).
- If the validation process is successful, the KIP System will send a Registration Number and Access Code to the registered email address.
- Students complete the KIP registration process and choose the selection path to be followed (National Selection to Enter State Universities/Joint Selection to Enter State Universities/Public junior high school/State Polytechnic Entrance Exam/Independent);
- Furthermore, students will complete the registration process on the portal or information system for the national selection of tertiary institutions according to the selected selection path. The synchronization process with the system will be carried out later with a host-to-host scheme.
- For prospective KIP recipients who have been declared accepted at a University, further verification can be carried out by the Higher Education before being proposed as a prospective KIP Lecturer recipient.
Official Schedule of Registration for KIP 2022
After knowing how to register for the independent path using KIP 2022-2023, you will need the official schedule to open the KIP Lecture registration, so you don’t miss out. The following is the official schedule for registration for KIP Lectures released by the website
- Account registration for prospective KIP recipients on February 2 to October 31, 2022.
- National Selection to Enter State Polytechnic (SNMPN): 7 February to 17 March 2022.
- National Selection to Enter State Universities (SNMPTN): 13 February to 27 February 2022.
- Computer-Based Writing Exam-Joint Selection for State Universities (UTBK-SBMPTN): 22 March to 14 April 2022.
- Joint Selection to Enter State Polytechnic (SBMPN): 5 April to 29 June 2022.
- State University Independent Selection: 1 June to 7 October 2022.
- Private University Independent Selection: 8 June to 31 October 2022.
That’s an explanation of the 2022 KIP Independent Path. Don’t forget to screenshot, bookmark, or save the link so you can later access this page more practically.
Multimedia Nusantara University is committed to providing the best education for the best sons and daughters in Indonesia. For those interested in studying at UMN, you can access information on UMN scholarships here. Yes, there are KIP scholarships too!
- Mamikos
- Kip-kuliahkemdikbud
- sindonews
English translation by Levina Chrestella Theodora
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