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March 28, 2023Certiport Representative Visits Multimedia Nusantara University
March 31, 2023Dr. Ir. Paristiyanti Nurwardani, M.P., the Head of LLDikti Region III, delivered a speech. (Doc. UMN)
TANGERANG – Seventy universities attended the Socialization of International Accreditation of Study Programs for Universities in The Higher Education Services Institutes (LLDikti) Region III at Multimedia Nusantara University. The event, which was held at the Lecture Theater on Monday, March 20, 2023, discussed the international accreditation policy for university study programs.
In the opening session, Dr. Ir. Paristiyanti Nurwardani, M.P., the Head of LLDikti Region III, said that socialization activities could provide knowledge based on training and experience to develop long-term programs-study programs-centrally. The discourse is also considered capable of improving the quality of each university’s short- and long-term strategies. The event invited representatives of BINUS Business School as the “best practice” for the international accreditation process of Management and Accounting Study Programs.
“This socialization activity is expected to inspire you to improve your university accreditation. Here, we can learn from UMN through their vision and mission where they can become a superior accredited university even within ten years,” said the Head of LLDikti Region III, Paristiyanti Nurwardani, in her speech.
Director of the Executive Council of the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (DE BAN-PT), Ari Purbayanto, emphasized the importance of education for the nation’s progress. Therefore, BAN-PT, as an accreditation agency, seeks to improve the quality of each university. BAN-PT is a partner for universities ready to serve.
“In the accreditation process, the minimum standard for each university is Tridarma, namely education and teaching, research and development, and community service. If these three standards have not been met, the university will not be accredited,” Ari said.
BAN-PT sets nine criteria for assessing university accreditation as follows:
- Vision, Mission, Goals, and Strategy
- Management, Governance, and Cooperation
- Students
- Human Resources
- Finance, Facilities, and Infrastructure
- Education
- Research
- Community Service
- Tridharma Outputs and Achievements
The atmosphere during the socialization of international accreditation of study programs. (Doc. UMN)
BAN-PT emphasizes outcome-based education (OBE) or education based on learning outcomes as an international standard. Elements that are assessed are: whether OBE has been fulfilled, has been hands-on with the industry, and is in accordance with the initial planning.
Furthermore, Chairman of the Institution of Engineers Indonesia/Indonesian Accreditation Board for Engineering Education (PII/IABEE) Executive Committee Muhammad Romli said that accreditation is not the main goal but a means for study programs to improve quality from time to time.
In addition, OBE is a platform to equalize the quality of graduates with other countries. Therefore, the curriculum planning process of the study program is released based on the vision and mission of the university so that it has characteristics, integration, and is in accordance with the students.
“Therefore, universities determine the education objectives and learning outcomes first before preparing the curriculum. Students are expected to become professionals after graduating from college,” Romli said.
To conclude the event, the Director of BINUS Business School, Dezie Leonarda Warganegara, shared the process taken by BINUS to achieve high-quality education. BINUS improves the quality of Catur Dharma in its vision, namely teaching, research, community service, and self-development.
by Annisa Dyah Novia | UMN News Service
English translation by Levina Chrestella Theodora
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