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October 29, 2024Photo with HR Gathering by Ika and Ferry (Doc. UMN)
Tangerang – UMN held another HR Gathering 2024 on Thursday (10/17). Unlike last year, this year’s HR Gathering focused on artificial intelligence and automation, presented by Ferry Wiria, B.Sc., M.Sc., as Managing Director at Accenture. The HR Gathering was held at Function Hall, UMN.
More than 100 companies attended the HR Gathering 2024. In addition to the gathering, the human resources who came also received material exposure and tips on how to continue to develop skills amid increasingly sophisticated technology.
“It is hoped that this activity can strengthen the relationship between UMN and companies, create a good cooperative relationship, and benefit both parties. Hopefully, this collaboration will continue and improve so that UMN students can be well-prepared for the world of work. We want to provide the best for students by always being updated with what is needed in the world of work,” said Dr. Ika Yanuarti, S.E., M.S.F, CSA, the Vice-Rector for Student Affairs.
So far, UMN has provided many facilities for students and companies and is very open to input from companies collaborating with UMN. This has also been proven by UMN’s achievement of the 5 QS Star in the employability category.
This HR Gathering was followed by a material presentation by Ferry. On this occasion, Ferry raised the theme of AI and Automation. How can we improve our skills in these fields? With the development of increasingly advanced technology, we also need to upgrade our skills.
“In my opinion, all the data AI has resulted rom collaborated information. AI takes data from everywhere, such as from users. Therefore, AI is getting smarter. If we search for one keyword, everything will appear. We can be sure that AI is extensive and speeds up our work,” Ferry said.
Although AI speeds up work, Ferry feels that everything is done with AI without a human touch. The use of AI must have humans who see and validate what is done by AI, even though it uses responsible AI.
“We cannot avoid AI, but we as HR can use AI to help our recruiting process. We can use AI to analyze answers, facial expressions and much more,” Ferry continued.
Ferry also told the HRs not to worry because AI can’t replace HR jobs. HRs can use AI to collaborate and sharpen their work by exploring aspects of collaboration between AI and Humans.
By Rachel Tiffany Tanukusuma | UMN News Service
English translation by Levina Chrestella Theodora
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