5 Benefits of Distance Learning: Building Your Future with Flexibility and High Satisfaction
August 7, 2023
6 Tips to Prepare for Hybrid College
August 7, 2023What are the advantages and disadvantages of hybrid courses? Photo by Freepik
Since the pandemic, the Indonesian government has been looking for an effective and appropriate learning system for education. Knowing that distance learning is ineffective, the government, through the Ministry of Education and Culture, proposed implementing hybrid lectures or hybrid learning.
Of course, this decision has its own advantages and disadvantages. But what are the pros and cons of hybrid lectures? Is hybrid learning a suitable form to implement in the Indonesian educational system?
Read the explanation below to find out!
Advantages of hybrid lectures
1. More opportunities to socialize
Unlike online lectures, hybrid lectures open up opportunities for students to attend classes. Therefore, they still get to socialize and interact directly with their lecturers and classmates. This is something that is difficult to do when studying online.
Students can ask questions directly to lecturers, discuss freely with friends, and enter and interact directly when doing group work. This will directly hone students’ socialization skills before later plunging into the world of work.
Also read: Hybrid College in Tangerang.
2. Effective and efficient
In hybrid lectures, students and lecturers get the opportunity to carry out teaching and learning activities anywhere and anytime. Students do not always have to study on campus or at home. Students who are sick are allowed to continue attending lectures.
3. Practicum is maximized
With online lectures, conducting practicums may be limited as students and lecturers face many limitations. Therefore, with the existence of hybrid lectures, students still have the opportunity to enter the lab and conduct practicums.
UMN, as an A-accredited private campus, is very concerned about practicum during hybrid lectures. Therefore, UMN’s Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Dr. Friska Natalia, S.Kom., M.T., ensures that practicum courses carried out in a hybrid manner are supported by materials that can ensure that students attending the online and onsite students can still get the same understanding.
“Hybrid courses can also be used to ensure that students’ Graduate Learning Outcomes are achieved, and students will get more experiments by coming directly to campus where learning facilities are more adequate,” Friska said.
4. Better understanding of material
It cannot be denied that students can maximally absorb online learning. However, it is also undeniable that online lectures cannot fully make students understand the material because they must depend on a stable internet connection– not to mention if there is an error on the device used during lectures.
If an error occurs, students will likely not absorb the learning as well as if the lecture is conducted face-to-face. Therefore, in this condition, hybrid lectures can be an option.
5. Improve mental and physical health
Humans are social creatures, aren’t they? Being cooped up for too long and studying lecture material by facing a screen daily makes our brains tired. Not to mention the body is also tired because it is forced to sit for hours to study during online lectures.
With hybrid lectures, at least students have time to meet with classmates and experience interaction and socialization in person. You can also discuss and laugh freely with your classmates when doing assignments.
In addition, because there is a mandatory schedule to go to campus, you also have to move your body. Your body is not constantly forced to be in the same sitting position. Your posture will undoubtedly improve.
Disadvantages of hybrid lectures
In addition to the advantages above, hybrid courses also have disadvantages. Here are the disadvantages of hybrid lectures.
1. Depends on the internet network and the device used
As the name suggests, hybrid lectures still involve online lectures in the teaching and learning process. Therefore, delivering material from lecturers to students depends partly on a stable internet and adequate devices. If one of these two things is not fulfilled, the learning process will be disrupted.
2. Potential difficulty in organizing teaching and learning schedules
Due to its hybrid nature, this learning system also requires high time management. Hybrid courses require a combination of face-to-face and online schedules. This difficulty is not only felt by students but also by teaching staff.
Also read: Hybrid Lectures, Advantages and Disadvantages.
Those are the advantages and disadvantages of hybrid lectures. UMN, as one of the private campuses implementing hybrid lectures, facilitates their students thoroughly to absorb the lecture material optimally. Therefore, don’t hesitate to choose UMN as your campus of choice. Register yourself now here.
English translation by Levina Chrestella Theodora
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