Nusantara Cultural Festival 2017: UMN’s Commitment to Preserve Indonesian Culture
September 11, 2017CONMEDIA 2017 & ICON-SONICS 2017: Contribute to Indonesia’s Development
November 8, 2017Often we hear stories that a person goes about his job just to get a big salary and fun facilities even though in reality he does not like what is done. As a result, the work gradually becomes just a routine and can even consume the creativity that was once owned. So, is living in accordance with the passion worth fighting for even though the passion does not seem to provide income and facilities as offered the work that is now done?
This is what is felt by Ufa Shofura, a renowned professional choreographer of Indonesia. In this #PAssionAku event initiated by Loop and Gramedia, Ufa told his experience to UMN students how he was then able to live his passion as a choreographer and succeed there. Before becoming a dance artist, Ufa worked as an employee. But in reality, Ufa doesn’t like that. He wants to go into dance and pursue it as a permanent job.
(Read more: Asah Passion Bisnismu Bersama Skystar Ventures)
Ufa said his wish received opposition from his parents, especially the father. “We ourselves know that dancers have a negative stigma in society. This profession is looked at one eye. However, over time, I can prove that through this profession I can achieve,” he said.
His success to date has not been without struggle. He admits, if only relying on talent alone maybe he will not get to this point. “From the income earned from dancing, I invented again to various trainings. This training then added to my dancing skills. Finally I was able to enter various contests and from these contests I got channel and networking to teach in various dance studios,” he said.
Not only that, Ufa also admitted that he could intensively learn to dance every day for 10 hours. He can teach from morning to night. According to him, it is useless to pursue passion but lazy. It takes a lot of hard work to be successful in living their passion.
“People who have talent but are lazy can be pursued by people who may be the right talent but diligent. However, if the person does have the talent and is also diligent to train, I am sure later he will be someone who is successful,” he said.
In addition to Ufa, #PassionAku activities also present another speaker, Hilbram Dunar a presenter as well as a public speaker. The event took place at UMN Lecture Theater on Tuesday (31/10). (*)by Grace Natali – Universitas Multimedia Nusantara News Service
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