Tips For a Successful Thesis Defense, Your Examiner Will Compliment You
December 12, 2022
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December 13, 2022One thing that college students fear the most: a thesis defense. All the worry and anxiety from doing the thesis research to whether they will pass the thesis defense. For those who will do their thesis defense, this article will spill out some of the most frequently asked thesis defense questions so that you can be more confident during the defense. Ready?
Why Does a Thesis Need to Exist?
I, too, asked this question with frustration. Why should there be a thesis? According to an article by Global Statistics, when students write a thesis, graduate, and publish it on the university’s journal website, they are considered to have contributed to academia. Then, students who pass the thesis defense will be tested (thesis defense).
When tested, students’ scientific work is accounted for, and if they successfully pass the thesis defense, they are considered competent in their scientific field. Writing scientific papers also encourages students to think critically and solve scientific problems.
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6 Frequently Asked Thesis Defense Questions
To be more confident during the thesis defense, here are some questions often asked in a thesis defense and tips for answering them.
1. What is the scientific problem of your research? What is the problem?
The first, most important, and most annoying. Every student preparing and conducting their thesis research will constantly hear this question.
Why is it important that there is an issue to be raised in a thesis? In general, the purpose of research is to answer existing problems. If there’s no problem, why waste time and energy on research? Your research must have significance. It should also be remembered that not all problems can or should be researched, especially questions or problems that can be answered with a “Yes or No.” Why? Yes or No answers do not advance our knowledge.
“One of the first tasks in defining a detailed research topic is finding questions, unresolved controversies, gaps in knowledge or unanswered needs in the chosen subject. This quest requires an awareness of current issues in the subject and an inquisitive, inquiring mind. While you will find that the world is full of unresolved questions and problems, not all of these are suitable subjects for research.” (read more here)
Scientific problems are one of the most basic things you must prepare for before conducting research. If there is no scientific problem, it could be that you may have chosen the wrong thesis topic. Knowing the problem you want to raise will also help you develop research questions and background. Therefore, you must diligently discuss your scientific research problems with your lecturer or thesis advisor.
2. What is your research gap? What is your research novelty?
The second question is just as crucial as the first. When determining a research topic, you must ensure that your research has a novelty. Your research must be able to fill in something lacking, or that does not yet exist in the world of research; that is what is called a research gap.
When your examiner asks this question, you should be able to briefly explain existing research on the topic you are raising (literature reviews) and how your research findings can provide new information and complement previous research. Ensure that your thesis topic and findings are not found in other research (an exact copy). Similarities in research concepts or methods are fine, but ensure that your research provides something new.
3. Why are you bringing up this topic? Why choose that title?
Don’t be confused or surprised if, during the thesis defense, your examiner asks, “what is the title of your thesis?” it’s not that your examiner can’t read; the goal is to see if you know the title of your own thesis and to test further whether the title of your thesis is the same as the contents of your thesis. Not a few students had to change their thesis title because it did not describe the contents of their research post-thesis defense.
4. Why do you use the theory, method, or research subject?
In the world of research, there are many theories and research methods. You must be able to answer and argue why the theory and methods you use in your research are suitable for your research. How does this theory support your research? Why quantitative and not qualitative? Etc. You should also be able to explain why you chose your research subject. Why Gen Z? Why Tangerang? Etc.
5. What did you find from your research?
You must be able to answer the findings of your thesis briefly and to the point. You can share the core findings of your research. Make sure that the findings match your research question or research hypothesis. You can also share unique findings outside of your research question. Therefore, make sure that you really master your research.
6. What can your research contribute? What is the significance of the research?
This question is in line with the second and fifth questions. In essence, your research must benefit society, and your research should help eliminate existing problems.
Also read: Types of Study Programs at UMN.
Here are some frequently asked thesis questions and tips for answering them. A thesis defense is scary, but as long as you constantly discuss with your thesis advisor, diligently read other research, and are serious about working on your research, you will be able to answer all the thesis defense questions well! Cheers to everyone who’s doing their thesis!
By Levina Chrestella Theodora | UMN News Service
English translation by Levina Chrestella Theodora
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