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November 10, 2024
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November 24, 2024Anis Faisal Reza, the founder of Gugus Mitigasi Lebak Selatan (GMLS), opened the discussion (Doc. KIJI)
Banten – Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (UMN) students from Humanity Project Batch 5, together with Anis Faisal Reza, founder of GMLS, held a community meeting to discuss the concept of revitalizing the Dungus Ki Haji Forest in Nagajaya Village, Sindangratu Village, Panggarangan District, Lebak.
In the spirit of environmental stewardship, villagers gathered in a community meeting held to discuss the plan for the Dungus Ki Haji Forest conservation project. This deliberation aimed to agree and seek approval from the villagers regarding the forest conservation initiative initiated by the students of Universitas Multimedia Nusantara and the South Lebak Mitigation Group (Gugus Mitigasi Lebak Selatan/GMLS).
The community meeting was held at Saung Hutan Dungus Ki Haji and attended by representatives from the villages of Nagajaya, Sadang, Kadu Gede, Cilubang, Cisitu, and Sawarna. Community leaders also enlivened this deliberation event. In this deliberation, Anis Faisal Reza, founder of GMLS, opened the discussion about improving the carrying capacity of forests to water sources.
“If the function of springs in the forest can be optimally maintained, the community can fulfill their needs optimally. With the achievement of this ecological balance, the utilization of natural resources can take place sustainably, supporting human needs without disturbing environmental sustainability,” said Anis Faisal Reza, founder of GMLS.
In his presentation, Anis Faisal Reza also mentioned the secondary problems that will occur as the economy continues to inflate and require community preparedness to adapt.
“The economy of the community that continues to rotate makes us citizens in Lebak must be able to rack our brains, thinking how to utilize the potential of the natural resources we have so that it can be a support if later economic difficulties hit us,” Anis Faisal Reza, the founder of GMLS, said.
On the same occasion, Anis Faisal Reza also explained the ecological benefits that will be obtained from the success of this forest conservation project. The student representative of Universitas Multimedia Nusantara, Dave Hapien, also conveyed this, explaining the good purpose of the project to be implemented.
“We want to assure you that this project, which will be carried out with personal funds from the students, is intended to help and preserve the Dungus Ki Haji Forest as a forest that has extraordinary natural wealth. We need the support and involvement of residents so that the positive impact of this conservation can be felt in a real and equitable manner,” Dave Hapien, one of the student representatives from UMN, said.
All residents present welcomed this initiative and responded positively to this conservation project. In addition, residents expressed various hopes for the project that will be conducted.
This meeting was an essential first step in the process of implementing the Ki Haji Dungus Forest conservation project. UMN and GMLS are optimistic and highly hope this project will be carried out successfully. This project is also expected to be the first step and a positive example for future environmental conservation initiatives.
Author: Dave Hapien
For more information, please contact:
Anis Faisal Reza
Head of South Lebak Mitigation Group
Phone +62 878-0979-8555
English translation by Levina Chrestella Theodora
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