Learn Waste Sorting with Tzu Chi
January 17, 2025
UMN Hosts ASPIKOM Summit: A Prestigious Event for Indonesian Communication Personnel
January 17, 2025Photo with Indiwan and Rini. (Doc. UMN)
Tangerang, 8/1 – Senior lecturer of the Faculty of Communication Sciences, Dr. Indiwan Seto Wahyu Wibowo, was appointed as an exemplary lecturer in the field of community service for the year 2024 given by Aspikom Korwil Jabodetabek, Wednesday at the UMN campus. Gading Serpong Tangerang.
The exemplary lecturer award was presented directly by the Chairperson of the Association of Higher Education in Communication Sciences (ASPIKOM), Korwil Jabodetabek, Dr. Rini Sudarmanti, S.Sos., M.Si., witnessed by several administrators, lecturers, and students at the Lecture Theater Building D, Universitas Multimedia Nusantara Campus.
In addition to awarding exemplary lecturers, the event, which was packaged in the National Communication Jamboree, also gave awards to a number of outstanding students and winners of competitions organized by Aspikom Korwil Jabodetabek. A number of campus officials in the Jabodetabek area attended the event, including Prof. Friska Natalia, the Vice Rector of Universitas Multimedia Nusantara.
After the event, Dr. Indiwan Seto explained to the media that one of the criteria for exemplary lecturers in community service is the element of the usefulness of Community Service activities for residents around the campus.
“I emphasize my community service activities in the field of environmental health, AI development for MSMEs, and disaster risk reduction in Tangerang Regency,” said the Communication Science lecturer who graduated from the University of Indonesia’s doctoral program.
According to him, Tangerang Regency is an area with many environmental health problems, especially waste management, which is still a big problem there. Even at the beginning of the new year 2025, the Department of Environment and Hygiene (DLHK) of Tangerang Regency, Banten Province, collected 69.93 tons of waste from New Year’s Eve activities in the area.
“Lecturers should think about and take more serious action to help the government, especially residents around the campus. Indiwan Seto provided awareness and training on reducing waste through propaganda and environmental cleanliness campaigns via podcasts in collaboration with the Healthy Tangerang Regency Forum and related agencies.
Indiwan Seto’s service activities are diverse because he is also actively involved in various organizations in the Tangerang Regency. Apart from being active as a Communication lecturer, Indiwan also participates in increasing the capacity of the Disaster Risk Reduction Forum board and is active as an advisor in several media, such as the Indonesian Journalists Association of Tangerang Regency, and as an Expert Council in the Indonesian Cyber Media Network of Tangerang Regency.
In fact, from 2024 to 2029, Dr. Indiwan Seto was elected as the Chairman of the Tangerang Branch Management Board (DPC) of the Indonesian Association of Professional Assessors (Ikatan Asesor Profesional Indonesia/IASPRO). In addition, in collaboration with Padepokan Tumatitis, led by Ananta Wahana, several training sessions were held to increase Tangerang Regency residents’ capacity to utilize artificial intelligence (AI) to be successful in their business and education. (ISW/
UMN Faculty of Communication Science Lecturer
English translation by Levina Chrestella Theodora
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