Anna Riana Putriya, S.E.,
March 21, 2021
Dr. Matius Ali, S.Sn., M.Hum.
March 29, 2021Prof. Dr. Ir. Emirhadi Suganda, M.Sc.
Study Program | Architecture |
Faculty | Art & Design |
Educational Background |
Expertise | Project management |
Tilte | Lecturer |
[email protected] |
- NHC Damanik, D Susanto, E Suganda. (2020). The Compressive Strength of Unfired Clay Brick with Sugarcane Bagasse Fiber (SBF) and Bio-Enzyme Reinforcements. International Journal of Technology 11 (7), 1422-1429.
- DS Octaviani, D Susanto, E Suganda. (2020). The performance of the building envelope in high-rise residential related to occupant’s comfort. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 452 (1), 012028.
- CS Saskia., D Susanto, E Suganda. (2020). Acehnese Vernacular House: The Study of Constructions and Materials Resilience. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 452 (1), 012027.
- D Nurwidyaningrum, H Kusnoputranto, SS Moersidik, E Suganda. (2018). Human Dimension Plays a Role in Realizing The Health of the Urban Dwelling, Jakarta, Indonesia. Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development 9 (12), 1359-1366.
- ES Anis Masyruroh, Djoko M. Hartono, Herman Haeruman. (2018). Analysis of impact of city forest utilization to improvement of environment qualty in Serang City. ICSoLCA 2018 74 (Mitigation-Prevention), 5.
- DM Sundara, DM Hartono, E Suganda., H Haeruman. (2018). Spatial analysis: Mapping potential land for sustainable urban forests using Landsat-TM satellite data imagery in East Jakarta. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 202 (1), 012004.
- DM Sundara, DM Hartono, E Suganda., JSH Haeruman. (2018). Satellite Imagery Data: Dynamic Systems Model for sustainable urban forest in area of Halim Perdana Kusuma, East Jakarta. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 158 (1), 012027.
- AH Fuad, YA Yatmo, E Suganda, LD Ibrahim. (2018). Events within Event, Units within Unit: Explaining the Structure of Urban Spaces Through Nesting Theory. International Journal of Technology 9 (1), 25-34.
- W Mulyana, E Sugand. (2017). Exploring the Characteristics of Dynamic Capabilities and Adaptive Capacity for Urban Water Governance. Advanced Science Letters 23 (9), 8322-8324.
- W Mulyana, E Suganda.(2018). Dynamic governance in managing the urban environment—A conceptual framework of urban water governance. Competition and Cooperation in Social and Political Sciences.
- AH Fuad, YA Yatmo, E Suganda, LD Ibrahim. (2018). Events within an Event, Units within a Unit: Explaining the Structure of Urban Spaces through Nesting Theory. Architecture 9 (1).
- DM Hartono, E Suganda, M Nurdin. (2018). How Land Stripping Affects Quality of River in Pomalaa Nickel Mining, South East Sulawesi, Indonesia. Asian Journal of Water, Environment and Pollution 15 (4), 47-56.
- DM Sundara, DM Hartono, E Suganda. (2017). Urban forests for sustainable urban development. AIP Conference Proceedings 1903 (1), 040002.
- DM Hartono, E Suganda, M Nurdin. (2017). Metal distribution at river water of mining and nickel industrial area in Pomalaa Southeast Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. Oriental Journal of Chemistry 33 (5), 2599.
- H Wiranegara, P Wirutomo, SS Moersidik, E Suganda. (2013). A Model of Environmental Harmony Towards Sustainable Walk-up Flats Community in Kemayoran–Jakarta. Humanities and Social Sciences 3 (11), 1-11.
- W Mulyana, E Suganda. (2017). Water Governance for Urban Resilience Analysis of Key Factors and the Role of Stakeholders in Metropolitan Area. Indonesian Journal of Planning and Development 2 (1), 11-18.
- I Suandy, A Mulyadi, SS Moersidik, E Suganda. (2014). Degradasi Lingkungan Di Kawasan Penyangga Suaka Margasatwa Bukit Rimbang Bukit Baling Propinsi Riau. Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan 8 (2), 214-225.
- P Rahardjo, DM Hartono, E Suganda, HS Arifin. (2016). Conservation of underground water with the ecosystem approach to the development of the New towns in Bogor, Tangerang, Bekasi (Botabek) Region. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 227, 720-727
- VS Ardiwijaya, TP Soemardi, E Suganda, YA Temenggung. (2014). Bandung urban sprawl and idle land: Spatial environmental perspectives. APCBEE procedia 10, 208-213.
- W Rusiawan, P Tjiptoherijanto, E Suganda, L Darmajanti. (2015). System dynamics modeling for urban economic growth and CO2 emission: a case study of Jakarta, Indonesia . Procedia Environmental Sciences 28, 330-340.
- A Renald, P Tjiptoherijanto, E Suganda, RD Djakapermana. (2016). Toward resilient and sustainable city adaptation model for flood disaster prone city: Case Study of Jakarta Capital Region. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 227, 334-340.
- SA Azwar, E Suganda, P Tjiptoherijanto, H Rahmayanti. (2013). Model of sustainable urban infrastructure at coastal reclamation of North Jakarta. Procedia Environmental Sciences 17, 452-461.
- W Rusiawan, P Tjiptoherijanto, E Suganda, L Darmajanti. (2015). Assessment of green total factor productivity impact on sustainable Indonesia productivity growth. Procedia Environmental Sciences 28, 493-501.
- E Suganda, P Atmodiwirjo, YA Yatmo. (2011). Pengelolaan lingkungan dan kondisi masyarakat pada wilayah hilir sungai. Hubs-Asia 10 (1).
Prof. Dr. Ir. Emirhadi Suganda, MSc. menempuh pendidikan Sarjana Arsitektur dari Universitas Indonesia, Master of Science dari Asian Institute of Technology d (AIT-HSD, Bangkok, Thailand) dan gelar Doktor Ilmu Lingkungan dari Universitas Indonesia. Dr. Emir sudah memiliki pengalaman mengajar selama 40 tahun di Universitas Indonesia dan di berbagai perguruan tinggi lainnya di Jakarta.
Dr. Emil aktif dalam menulis karya ilmiah baik yang dipublikasikan dalam bentuk buku maupun berbagai jurnal baik jurnal ilmah nasional maupun internasional terakreditasi terindeks pada Sinta, Scopus dan Google Scholar. Dr. Emil juga aktif mengikuti pelatihan/penataran/lokakarya/seminar baik di dalam maupun luar negeri.
Selain mengajar di Prodi Arsitektur, Prof. Emir juga mengampu mata kuliah Managing Technology Project dan menjadi penguji ahli pada sidang tugas akhir di prodi Magister Manajemen Teknologi (MMT) Universitas Multimedia Nusantara.