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December 6, 2016A total of nine UMN student organizations consisting of the Student Large Family Council (DKBM), the Student Executive Board (BEM), the Faculty Student Association (HMF) and the Department Student Association (HMJ) regenerated and were officially inaugurated on Tuesday (29/11) by the Rector and The Head of the Study Program.
In addition to having high academic value, UMN students are also encouraged to be able to develop their soft skills. In addition to participating in the Student Activity Unit (UKM), they can also become administrators of student organizations.
There are nine student organizations in UMN, including DKBM, BEM, Informatics Engineering Student Association (HIMTI), Computer System Student Association (HIMASIKOM), Information Systems Student Association (HIMSI), Student Association of Faculty of Arts and Design (HMFSD), Communication Science Student Association (I’M KOM), Management Student Association (HIMMA) and UMN Accounting Student Association (HIMTARA).
Every year, regeneration of administrators is held, to provide opportunities for each student of various generations to be able to contribute to it and create new creativity and innovation in the programs that are run. As of 2016, there are already 6 current forces for each organization and in November this was changed to the seventh generation.
The event at the Function Hall was also attended by Ninok Leksono as Rector of UMN, the rectorate of UMN and the head of the study program. “Being the leader of an organization is an opportunity as well as proof that they dare to step beyond themselves and care for others. Thus, the experience can be a personal enrichment and an opportunity to transmit the spirit beyond self to fellow students,” said Ninok Leksono in his speech.
Furthermore, Ninok also hopes that the new administrators can always develop the characteristics of the archipelago as a mandate from the founder of UMN in every existing activity. “Like the mandate of Mr. Jakob Oetama, the name ‘Nusantara’ should not only be written and symbols but actually practiced in campus life,” he said.
The organization’s administrators will be active in carrying out duties for the period 2016/2017 starting from January 2017. (*)
by Debora Thea – Universitas Multimedia Nusantara News Service
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