Planning to Take a Cross Major? Here are Some Studying Tips to Prepare Yourself
June 11, 2023
Dear Moviemanias, This is the Major For You!
June 11, 2023Illustration of Travelers. Image Source: Oleksandr Pidvalnyi/Pexels
Hello travellers, aka those of you whose hobby is travelling. Lately, the term healing and traveling has begun to permeate the millennial generation. Yep, travelling is now one of the activities you can do as a fatigue reliever amid tiring school and study activities. However, what happens if you can turn this travelling hobby one of the considerations in choosing a college major? Hmm… this is interesting.
Maybe, all this time, you thought that college students whose hobby is travelling only major in Tourism. But that’s no longer the case. Now, it’s more than Tourism majors who can travel. Many college majors in the learning process invite students to visit a place. Starting from the sea, tourist destinations, historical sites, natural attractions, marine destinations and others. In addition to channelling your hobby, you can also learn simultaneously.
If UMN friends have an explorer’s spirit, love animals and plants, and desire to travel around Indonesia and the world, the following majors are the right choice. What majors are suitable for those of you whose hobby is travelling? Check out the full review here, UMN friends!
1. Tourism
Travelling to tourist attractions is really exciting. But did you know that Indonesia itself already has a Tourism major? Moreover, Indonesia has a lot of tourist attractions to offer– starting from natural tourist destinations, history, religion, culture, marine, and many more. You can count on it to travel around Indonesia. In this major, you will learn about tourism and tourist destinations, like tourism management, tour and travel, to hospitality. Later, you can provide quality hospitality services.
Tourist Destinations. Image Source: Te lensFix/Pexels
One of the skills that can be honed in this major is the ability to read tourism potential in various places so that you will be involved in visiting various tourist attractions directly and observe many things. Starting from accessibility, and infrastructure, to culture. So, in this Tourism major, it’s not just studying. You also learn while travelling. How amazing is that?
Also read: Get to Know The Business Major and Its Job Prospects.
2. Archaeology
Do you like exploring historic sites and collections? Especially for those of you who are curious to uncover the story of history in an area, the Archaeology major could be the answer to your interest. The Archaeology major seems less popular when compared to other majors but, we must also remember that thanks to this major, we can find answers directly about human civilization in the past.
Archaeology. Image Source: Petra M. Greening/Pexels
Archaeology studies human culture by examining primary sources from prehistoric times or archaeological remains. In the learning process, you will often visit historical places and excavations on ancient sites. You will systematically study the data or objects starting from discovery, documentation, and analysis, to interpretation. Besides being able to travel to visit historical places, you can also find out more about ancient sites in Indonesia.
3. Biology
You must be familiar with this one major, right? This major, whose subjects you have gotten during junior high school and high school, will relate to living things and their environment. This Biology major suits those of you who have an adventurous spirit, love animals and plants, and like nature. You will deal a lot with living things, flora and fauna biodiversity and explore many places to see the wealth and diversity of biota on land– starting from botanical gardens, rivers, beaches, forests, and others. You can learn while travelling and experience plenty of things that will be remembered until graduation.
Illustration of Fauna. Image Source: Debadutta/Pexels
4. Anthropology
Next is the Anthropology major that you can make as a consideration in choosing a college major. In general, this major will teach about the characteristics and similarities of society and culture through research on languages and religions in the world, human rights, ceremonies, mindsets, society, ethics, culture, and many things about human life.
Illustration of Village Life. Image Source: Ihsan Adityawarman/Pexels
In the lecture process, students will often learn by recognizing the background and ethnic groups in Indonesia, such as the ethnography of Java and Bali, Sumatra (Minangkabau, Aceh, Batak, Malay), West Nusa Tenggara, Kalimantan, Sulawesi (Minahasa, Toraja, Bugis Makassar), Maluku and Papua. It’s really fun to learn about many cultures while travelling.
5. Journalism
Have you ever watched the news on television? There you see, there is a journalist or reporter who reports directly from the scene. Either when an event is taking place somewhere, reporting on a natural disaster, reporting on exploring a place, conducting interviews with sources, or just reviewing a place. Well, all of this is in the journalism major, my friend. You can imagine what it feels like to cover and travel to places throughout Indonesia and even get the opportunity to go abroad.
Illustration of Coverage. Image Source: Redrecords/Pexels
In this major, you will learn much about making journalistic content. Starting from news produced by the editorial team and reporters who go directly to the field to conduct interviews and crosscheck information by asking questions to sources. If, for example, you get an assignment to cover an area, make the best use of it. Not bad isn’t it? You can travel for free while exploring and looking for interesting information there. Are you interested in majoring in journalism?
6. Forestry
Next, we move on to the forestry major. This major will invite students to explore the forest, but not for hunting. Instead, they will learn about the forest. Later they will take courses about forestry.
Forest Illustration. Image Source: Lum3n/Pexels
From forest ecology, soil science, plant physiology, processing and management of forest products, life patterns and distribution to how to deal with forest animals, how to preserve wood according to its chemical properties, types of trees and wood, and much more.
7. Marine and Fisheries
Most of the majors on land have been discussed. Now we shift a little to majors related to the sea– yep, Marine and Fisheries majors. As we know, Indonesia has around 17,500 islands with a coastline of 81,000 km. About 62% of Indonesia’s territory is sea and water; this is confirmed by the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries’ data. The land area is 1.91 million km2, while the water area reaches 6.32 million km2. It can be concluded that Indonesia is rich in marine and aquatic potentialss.
Illustration of Marine Life. Image Source: Jeremy Bishop/Pexels
In this major, you will learn many things related to marine life, fish anatomy, and marine biodiversity ranging from algae, seaweed, algae, and others. Moreover, in the learning process, you will learn to swim and dive directly into the water area. It is not surprising that they visit the beach and the sea to find out more about the actual conditions of the diversity of marine life there to be identified. This major is perfect for those of you who like swimming and diving.
Also read: Get to know VCD Major and Its Tuition Fees at UMN.
Yep, those are some choices of majors that are suitable for you travellers! Studying while exploring a place must feel exciting, right? There are eight choices of majors above that may be suitable for you. Good luck to all of you in deciding which major you want to take!
By Reyvan Maulid | UMN News Service
English translation by Levina Chrestella Theodora
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