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The difference between college and high school – Image by storyset on Freepik
The difference between college and high school – Have you ever wondered about the difference between college and high school? Of course, high school and college are two different educational institutions with different goals. If you are a high school student who wants to continue your education to college, then you need to understand the differences between the two institutions. This article will discuss the differences between college and high school from various aspects.
As a high school student, you may struggle to choose the right educational path for your future. You may be confused about the differences between college and high school and want to understand what sets them apart. This article will provide important information to help you make the right decision for your future.
Differences between college and high school
For high school students who are curious about the differences between college and high school, here is a summary.
1. Curriculum
One of the main differences between college and high school is the curriculum. The high school curriculum focuses on learning core subjects such as Math, English, Science, History, and others. Meanwhile, the college curriculum has a broader scope and depth in a particular field. The college curriculum includes more specific subjects and is often divided into different study programs.
2. Teaching Methods
Teaching methods are also an important difference between college and high school. In high school, teaching methods are usually based on lectures and direct teaching from teachers. Meanwhile, in college, teaching methods are more open and flexible. College teaching involves discussion and active involvement of students in the teaching-learning process.
3. Evaluation
Evaluation in high school is generally done through written tests and final exams. Meanwhile, in higher education, evaluation includes various forms such as presentations, paper writing, and other creative projects. This evaluation aims to measure students’ understanding and ability to apply the concepts they have learned.
4. Campus Life
Campus life is another difference between college and high school. In high school, students usually spend their time in class and go home after finishing their studies. Meanwhile, in college, students live in dormitories or apartments on campus. Campus life in college provides a different experience and makes students more independent.
5. Extracurricular Activities
Extracurricular activities are also a difference between college and high school. High school extracurricular activities are usually limited to sports and academic clubs. Meanwhile, there is a broader range of extracurricular activities in college, including social clubs, student organizations, and cultural activities.
6. Social Environment
The social environment also differs between high school and college. In high school, students usually live at home with their families, and their social life is limited to school friends and extracurricular activities. Meanwhile, in college, students live in dorms or apartments on campus, and they have the opportunity to meet people from different backgrounds and cultures.
Also read: Some Things to Know Before Choosing a College Major.
Things to Prepare When Entering the World of College
When entering the world of college, several things must be prepared so that students can adjust to the new environment. The following are some of the things that must be prepared:
1. Adjusting to the New Environment
The world of lectures has a different environment from high school. Students must learn to be independent and have more flexible time in college. Students also need to learn to get along with other students from different regions and cultural backgrounds. Therefore, it is essential for students to open up and adjust to the new environment in the college world.
2. Knowing the Academic Requirements
Each college has different academic requirements. Before entering the world of college, students need to pay attention to the necessary academic requirements, such as grade point average, entrance exam scores, and other requirements. By knowing these academic requirements, students can prepare themselves optimally and fulfill the requirements to enter the desired college.
3. Choosing the Right Major
In the world of college, students have many choices of majors to choose from. Therefore, students need to choose a major that suits their interests and talents. Before choosing a major, students also need to pay attention to career prospects in that field and the needs of the current job market.
4. Improve English Language Skills
English is an international language that is widely used in the world of lectures. Therefore, students need to improve their English skills before entering the world of lectures. Students can take English courses or join English preparation programs provided by universities.
Also read: Don’t Like Math? Check out 5 Recommendations for College Majors that are Suitable for You.
The differences between college and high school include curriculum, teaching methods, evaluation, campus life, extracurricular activities, and social environment. If you want to continue your education to college, then it is crucial to understand these differences. You can prepare yourself by finding information about the courses you are interested in, joining relevant extracurricular activities, and expanding your social network. You can make more informed decisions for your future with a better understanding of the differences between high school and college.
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By Benedictus Adithia | UMN News Service
English translation by Levina Chrestella Theodora