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November 30, 2024Winners of Career Case Competition 2024 CDC UMN (doc. UMN)
Tangerang – On (04/11), CDC UMN held a career case competition. This competition invites students at UMN to explore more about the preparations needed before heading to the world of work.
This career case competition has been selected from 80 registered students, and the judges will select five winners. In this competition, students win and receive other things, including career coaching and certification from CDC UMN.
The career case competition was attended by three judges, including Dr. Ika Yanuarti, S.E., M.S.F, CSA, as the UMN Vice-Rector for Student Affairs, Laura Andiny as a representative from PT Bank Central Asia, and Deddy Sudja, Founder & CEO of goodseeds.id.
“This competition is shown to emphasize competitive value following UMN’s 5C value. Of course, this competition must be healthy and good. This is the first time Student Affairs has held this activity. I hope this activity can continue to grow,” Ika said.
In the career case competition, students are given a case study in which the contestants will provide the best career solution according to them. The case study that has been made will be presented by students to the jury. Here are the winners of the Career Case Competition 2024.
1st place: Ryo Anthonio Wijaya, majoring in Communication Science 2022.
2nd place: Betari Naratayak, Communication Science major 2022.
3rd place: Nova Indah Lumbantoruan, majoring in Information Systems 2022.
4th place: Alodia Joyce Sulismoko, Management 2024.
5th place: Angelina Yang, majoring in Information Systems 2022.
Congratulations to the students who have won the career case competition!
By Rachel Tiffany Tanukusuma | UMN News Service
English translation by Levina Chrestella Theodora
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