Global Best Practices for the SDGs: UMN’s Commitment to International Collaboration and Research
November 28, 2023
Communication Science & Gen Z Digital Literacy
November 28, 2023LLDikti Region III Multi Stakeholder Dialogue (MSD) at the Student Lounge of Universitas Multimedia Nusantara. (Doc. LLDikti region III)
TANGERANG – The Independent Campus Learning Merdeka (Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka/MBKM) Program in the Greater Jakarta (Jabodetabek) area will focus on solving five main problems in Greater Jakarta, namely the problem of flooding, potential economic slowdown, congestion, stunting issues, and poverty. The plan was revealed in a mutual expectation agreement signed by 12 prospective MBKM partners and 18 representatives of universities. Then, it was closed with the LLDikti Region III Multi Stakeholder Dialogue (MSD) at the Student Lounge of Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (UMN) Tangerang on Wednesday (22/11/2023).
The event was organized by the Directorate of Learning and Student Affairs (Pembelajaran dan Kemahasiswaan/Belmawa) of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology (Kementerian Pendidikan, Kebudayaan, Riset, dan Teknologi/Kemendikbud Ristek) in collaboration with Kampus Merdeka Mandiri (KMM) and the Higher Education Service Institution Region III.
MSD aims to bring together the parties, namely universities, government, business sector, and community organizations, so they can discuss cooperation plans to solve various environmental problems.
The day before the MSD was held, MBKM Mandiri technical guidance was held at the same place. It was attended by prospective partners, namely DKI Health Agency, KDM Foundation, Jakarta Apindo, Orbit Ventura Indonesia, Kalbe, Komatsu, GISLI, Dicoding Academy, FMC Hospital, Kehati, DKI Bappeda, and DKM, representing the government, education, industry, and non-governmental organization sectors.
Then, regarding the Bimtek MBKM Mandiri, it aims for universities and related parties to carry out MBKM independently on campus, work with ready partners, and fulfill the right of students to study a maximum of three semesters outside their study program.
The Bimtek and MSD in LLDikti III concluded the program held in 16 LLDIKTI regions throughout Indonesia.
Director of Learning and Student Affairs of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Sri Suning Kusumawardani, said that the Ministry is very serious about running the MBKM program because this program is one way to accelerate the quality of human resources in Indonesia.
“Last August, the Ministry of Research and Technology launched MBKM episode 26, which specifically simplified the community service standards into only three, namely output standards, process standards, and input standards,” Suning said in the opening ceremony, which was delivered online.
On the same occasion, Suning stated that so far, MBKM has succeeded in changing the perspective of universities from focusing on a rigid competency-based curriculum to an innovative and self-sufficient achievement-based curriculum.
Suning conveyed the data that in 2023, around 290 thousand students were involved in off-campus activities and more than a thousand in inter-campus research.
LLDikti Region III Multi Stakeholder Dialogue (MSD) at Multimedia Nusantara University Student Lounge. (doc. LLDikti region III)
Meanwhile, the Head of LLDikti III, Toni Toharudin, said that MBKM was born amid Indonesia’s most challenging period, namely the COVID-19 pandemic. But because of intense determination and a good program, MBKM can be welcomed by universities and run well.
“More than 40 thousand students in the LLDikti III region have taken their rights to participate in MBKM. In addition, many studies have concluded that graduates who take part in MBKM are better than those who do not,” said Toni.
Multimedia Nusantara University (UMN) Independent Campus Manager Niki Prastomo welcomed the joint memorandum of expectations signed by universities and prospective partners.
“Universities can benefit from the MoU that has been signed. With local partnerships like this, it is hoped that in the future each region and each university will have its own characteristics and strengths,” said Niki.
One of the most important things in MBKM is that after students study in one study program, they have the right to study in a different study program at the same university, study in the same study program at a different university, or study outside the university, such as in a company, social organization, or go to the community.
In this context, universities need many partners willing to be involved in the world of education. The partners in question include other universities or various organizations, such as government organizations or institutions, BUMN, BUMD, pure private companies, and various forms of non-governmental organizations.
by LLDikti region III & Annisa Maulida UMN News Service
English translation by Levina Chrestella Theodora
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