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Called Ultigraph UMN 2021 “Embrace the Future” (dock. UMN)
TANGERANG – How to prepare to build a career after releasing the label as a student? To explore this, Ultigraph Universitas Multimedia Nusantara 2021 also held a speech titled “Embrace the Future” virtually on Saturday (02/10/21). There are two speakers in this speech title, namely Vice President of Product TaniHub Group and UMN Visual Communication Design Alumni 2010, William Setiawan and Creative Lead at Tokopedia and UMN 2013 Visual Communication Design Alumni, Amelia Ruby. Through this theme, both sources share tips and experiences in the professional world.
On this occasion, the main point that is always emphasized by both sources is about the balance between hardskills and softskills. Not only hardskills need to be honed, but softskills are also important for determining one’s self-quality. Amelia mentions some soft skills needed, such as having a growth mindset, responsible, initiative, and reliable. According to him, we need to maximize the opportunities that exist when there is an opportunity to contribute and ask more questions to gain knowledge.
“When there is an opportunity, make the most of it. Because we won’t know where this opportunity is going to get us. So, know an opportunity and know how to use it,” Amel said.

Guide and speaker at umn ultigraph 2021 speech title “Embrace the Future” (doc. UMN)
In addition, William mentions problem-solving skills, people management, and time management is also the essence to have. Nevertheless, William says we also need to first determine the career goals we want to achieve in the future. Thus, the skills you want to sharpen will be more relevant based on their future goals.
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“The key, that goal you have to have first. So, you know what skill set you should have. So, that’s what you can pay now, “said William.
Obviously, these various skills couldn’t possibly be honed in one night. Both sources say these skills need to be honed through a variety of experiences. From since college, this can be honed by participating in various student activities on campus or participating in various competitions. In addition, these various skills can also be honed from various work experiences in various places.
“Actually, if you want to try a job for a young age, try something that really drains your knowledge. You have to have that experience first. Not everything is beautiful,” Amel said.
Amel also revealed the key to surviving in the world of work is totality with predetermined choices. Amel says all of those things require a process. On the other hand, William also reminded not to be too complacent when he has mastered one skill. It encourages us to hone other skills. Especially in this age that has developed, he said it would be very easy to explore the various skills on the internet.
By Melinda Chang | UMN News Service
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