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March 6, 2023Avoid These Mistakes When Choosing a Campus. Image Source: UMN
Continuing your studies at a state university is still a dream for prospective students. Who doesn’t want to go to their favorite state university? Everyone does.
Many parents of prospective new students yearn for their children to enter state universities. Whatever the entry point is, the important thing is to try to enter a state university first.
But unfortunately, the quota of student admissions at state universities for each entry point is always limited. This makes the opportunity for students to study at a state university limited.
However, don’t be sad and worried, friends. If you are not accepted at a state university, it does not mean that your future won’t be bright. It also doesn’t mean that your dream of continuing your studies is stopped because you are not accepted at a state university.
Keep your spirits up. A state university is one of many types of colleges you can enter. Luckily, in Indonesia, there are still many private universities with quality equal to state universities.
If you want to choose a private university as your last port of call to continue your studies, make sure you don’t just pick and choose. Although private university selection paths are not as many as state university paths, it does not mean that you take selecting a private university lightly.
You must consider many variables before choosing a private university as a place of study in the future. What are the things you need to consider in choosing a private university? Check out the complete information in this UMN article!
1. Accreditation
One of the most frequently asked questions prospective students often ask when choosing a university is, “what is the university’s accreditation?”
Along with public universities, private universities are still under the same umbrella, namely the Ministry of Education and Culture. Accreditation is one of the important factors that play a role in choosing a private university.
The higher the level of accreditation a university has, the better the quality of the graduates and the university. The National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (Badan Akreditasi Nasional Perguruan Tinggi/BAN-PT) is an institution appointed to determine the accreditation rating of a university.
Based on BAN-PT Regulation Number 3 of 2019, the accreditation of a university is divided into five categories, namely Superior Predicate, Excellent Predicate, Good Predicate, Unaccredited University Status and Unaccredited.
If the accreditation is good, it is very easy for graduates to work in government and private agencies. Usually, hiring companies provide requirements where they only accept applicants from accredited universities and majors.
Also read: Various Majors at UMN.
2. Graduate Profile
Besides accreditation, you can also see the quality of a private university from its graduates. Check the information and achievements obtained by students and alumni at the university or a list of graduates and where they work.
Having this supporting information will encourage prospective new students to be more confident with their choices. In line with the increasingly good accreditation in higher education, it indicates that the human resources produced are also more competent, experienced, and knowledgeable both teaching staff, students, and graduates.
3. Supporting Facilities
In supporting student lecture activities, supporting facilities are of great concern. Here you need to find as much information as possible regarding the facilities owned by the private university.
At the very least, supporting facilities usually present in private universities are libraries, laboratories, teaching staff, student academic and financial services, sports centers, health centers, lecture halls / meeting rooms, and others.
Facilities that have to do with academics will add to the quality of learning because there students can use these facilities to get reading material and supporting references.
How do you know what the facilities are? You can check the university’s website, ask your seniors, or contact the relevant study program/campus directly.
4. Tuition Fees
Public opinion about the tuition fees of private universities is usually a frightening specter.
Some say that if you study at a private university, the tuition fees are expensive– that it must be rich people who enter there. Hence, people prefer to study at public universities rather than private ones.
But not all private universities charge high tuition fees.
Don’t worry, there are still many other private universities that set tuition fees at affordable prices but with quality.
Instead of just taking their word for it, it’s a good idea to research the tuition fees at your destination private university first. You can also apply for scholarships to reduce the tuition fees that are too expensive.
5.Student Activity Unit Facilities
Next, ensure a private university has a student activity unit or student organizations. Starting from campus-level organizations and study programs.
Here, students can make the most of the opportunity to develop themselves by joining the student organizations provided by the campus.
If you want to channel your talents and interests in a particular organization, first check whether the private university has the organization you want to join.
This information is usually listed in the booklet, flyer, or registration website of your destination private university.
6. Private University Ranking
The next tip for choosing the best private university is to know the ranking of your target campus. Ranking is something that may be overlooked by applicants, because it is considered less important.
In fact, the higher the rank, the better the quality. There are many national and international ranking agencies, such as the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology, Webometrics, 4ICU and others.
7.Quality of Teaching Staff
The quality of lecturers in the chosen study program can also be seen on the official website of the intended study program and university. On the website, you can usually find out the quality of the lecturers through the available profiles.
Usually, the lecturer’s profile can be seen through Google and the scientific works that have been published. In choosing the best private university, you must also pay attention to this point.
Also read: Private university Entrance Preparation that You Should Know!
Those are the things you need to consider before choosing a private university. Don’t let the fact that you didn’t get accepted into a state university discourage you from studying. Who knows if your luck is in a private university?
Remember, the measure of success is not where you go to college, not from the state university or private university you choose, but success starts from you.
Everyone has the same opportunity to be successful. There is no need to think negatively of private universities. They still get proper educational facilities like state universities in general.
You can learn more about other interesting information through UMN’s official website. You can also choose the online registration procedure according to your criteria on the website. Come on, register now, and start your career with UMN!
By Reyvan Maulid | UMN News Service
English translation by Levina Chrestella Theodora
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