Twenty Students Selected from High School in Indonesia Receive UMN-OSC Scholarship
December 6, 2016
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December 8, 2016In 2016, many UMN students produced proud achievements. UMN also gave appreciation to 247 students who had succeeded in bringing the name of UMN in the regional, national, and international arena at the Token of Appreciation event held on Tuesday (6/12).
In his speech, Ika Yanuarti as Vice Rector of UMN’s Student Affairs Department expressed his pride for the various achievements achieved by students.
“This appreciation is a form of UMN’s gratitude for the achievements achieved by students in 2016 who made umn’s name in various fields. Hopefully this achievement can continue to be improved and UMN students can continue to apply the values of 5C Kompas Gramedia. Congratulations on his performance. UMN greatly appreciates this achievement, “he explained.
The number of students receiving appreciation increased 2-fold compared to 2015. For their achievements they get scholarships with a total value of Rp 75 million. This scholarship is expected to spur the spirit of students to continue to be motivated to improve their abilities in various fields.
Congratulations to the recipients of the Token of Appreciation! Hopefully in the next year can produce other proud achievements for alma mater, persada and others. (*)
by Grace Natali – Universitas Multimedia Nusantara News Service
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