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March 6, 2023
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March 6, 2023The release of VCD UMN students in the MBKM program for the Even Semester 2022-2023 Project in Kemuning Village. (UMN document)
TANGERANG – Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (UMN), together with the Institute for Research and Community Service (Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat/LPPM), handed over 108 students of the Independent Learning Independent Campus (Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka MBKM) program for the even semester of 2022/2023, Visual Communication Design (VCD) Study Program, to 5 campus-assisted villages in Tangerang Regency. These students were released in five village locations in Kemuning village, Curug Sangereng village, Rancagong village, Legok village, and Pagedangan village, on Thursday-Tuesday (February 9-14, 2023).
The village project is a form of education that provide learning experiences for students to live in the community outside the campus. Directly together with the community to identify potential and handle problems. They are expected to be able to develop the village or region’s potential in solving existing problems in the village.
The release of VCD UMN students in the MBKM program for the Even Semester 2022-2023 Project in Kemuning Village. (UMN document)
Head of the Community Service Bureau (Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat/PKM) of LPPM UMN, Andy Firmansyah, explained that this project would focus on improving and developing MSMEs and the village Master Plan.
“We hope that through this program, UMN students can help the village in these two main focus areas,” Andy said.
The program runs from February to June and is a form of UMN’s service to the community for six months or 800 hours without students having to stay overnight at the location.
The release of VCD UMN students in the MBKM program for the Even Semester 2022-2023 Project in Rancagong Village. (UMN document)
Kemuning Village Head Dadang, S. IP., hopes that with this activity, UMN students can share their knowledge with villagers, especially about stabilizing the economy and increasing Human Resources (HR) in the village area.
“We really appreciate this progra, and are ready to help and facilitate this village-building activity,” Dadang said.
The release of VCD UMN students in the MBKM program for the Even Semester 2022-2023 Project in Legok Village. (UMN document)
In this activity, the UMN Community Service team, UMN VCD MBKM coordinator, supervisors, and students of the village project team were present. Also present were representatives from the village, namely the Village Head, Village Secretary, Village BPD Chairman, and Babinsa.
The release of VCD UMN students in the MBKM program for the 2022-2023 Even Semester Project in Curug Sangereng Village. (UMN document)
The release of VCD UMN students in the MBKM program for the Even Semester 2022-2023 Project in Pagedangan Village. (UMN document)
By Annisa Maulida | UMN News Service
English translation by Levina Chrestella Theodora
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