Ir. Raymond Sunardi Oetama, M.CIS
Oktober 27, 2020
Melissa Indah Fianty, S.Kom., M.MSI
Oktober 27, 2020Wella, S.Kom., M.MSI., COBIT 5
Program Studi | Sistem Informatika |
Fakultas | Teknik & Informatika |
Riwayat Pendidikan |
Keahlian | IT Governance |
Jabatan | Dosen |
[email protected] |
- Wella, S.Kom., M.MSI., COBIT 5, COBIT 5.0: Capability Level of Information Technology Directorate General of Treasury, International Journal of New Media Technology, 2355-0082, Vol 5 Edisi 1 Hal 18 – 24, https://ejournals.umn.ac.id/index.php/IJNMT/article/view/614, Google Scholar
- Wella, S.Kom., M.MSI., COBIT 6, COBIT 5: Tingkat Kapabilitas pada PT Supra Boga Lestari, Ultima Infosys, 2085-4579, Vol 9 Edisi 1 Hal 18 – 23, https://ejournals.umn.ac.id/index.php/SI/article/view/712, Google Scholar
- Wella, S.Kom., M.MSI., COBIT 7, Tingkat Kapabilitas Tata Kelola TI Pusat Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi Universitas Sam Ratulangi, Ultima Infosys, 2085-4579, Vol 8 Edisi 1 Hal – 9 – 14, https://ejournals.umn.ac.id/index.php/SI/article/view/550, Google Scholar, Crossref
- Wella, S.Kom., M.MSI., COBIT 8, Evaluasi Penyelarasan Strategi Teknologi Informasi Dan Strategi Bisnis Di Pt X Menggunakan Kerangka Kerja Cobit 5.0, Ultima Infosys, 2085-4579, Vol 8 Edisi 2 Hal – 81 – 86, https://ejournals.umn.ac.id/index.php/SI/article/view/617, Google Scholar, Crossref
- Wella, S.Kom., M.MSI., COBIT 9, Measuring Operational Management Information Technology: COBIT 5.0 and Capability Level, International Journal of New Media Technology, 2355-0082, Vol 4 Edisi 1 Hal – 37 – 41, https://ejournals.umn.ac.id/index.php/IJNMT, Google Scholar, Crossref
- Wella, S.Kom., M.MSI., COBIT 10, Capability Model of Manage Human Resource And Service Agreement at PT X, International Journal of New Media Technology, 2355-0082, Vol 4 Edisi 1 Hal – 54 – 58, https://ejournals.umn.ac.id/index.php/IJNMT, Google Scholar, Crossref
- Wella, S.Kom., M.MSI., COBIT 11, Evaluation Of Quality Management System Using Iso 9001:2015 At Startup Company, Ultima Management, 2549-404X, Vol 14 Edisi 2 Hal 209 – 220, https://ejournals.umn.ac.id/index.php/manajemen/article/view/2850, Sinta 4
- “Wella, S.Kom., M.MSI., COBIT 12, The Role of COBIT5 as a Reference for Quality Service Quality Improvement
Case Study: PT BCA Tbk., ULTIMA InfoSys, 2581-1851, Vol 12 Edisi 2 Hal 94 – 100, https://ejournals.umn.ac.id/index.php/SI/article/view/2181, Sinta 4” - Wella, S.Kom., M.MSI., COBIT 13, COBIT 5: How Capable PT GTI Governing Innovation, Human Resource, and Knowledge Aspect?, ULTIMA InfoSys, 2581-1851, Vol 12 Edisi 2 Hal 108 – 114, https://ejournals.umn.ac.id/index.php/SI/article/view/2400, Sinta 4
- Wella, S.Kom., M.MSI., COBIT 14, SNI ISO/IEC 27001 dan Indeks KAMI: Manajemen Risiko PUSDATIN (PUPR), ULTIMA InfoSys, 2549-4015, Vol 12 Edisi 1 Hal 35 – 42, https://ejournals.umn.ac.id/index.php/SI, Sinta 4
- Wella, S.Kom., M.MSI., COBIT 15, User Interface Analysis Of Gapura Universitas Multimedia Nusantara Website, ULTIMART, 2615-8124, Vol 14 Edisi 2 Hal 124 – 135, https://ejournals.umn.ac.id/index.php/FSD/issue/view/206, Sinta 4
- Wella, S.Kom., M.MSI., COBIT 16, Upaya Peningkatan Jumlah Usaha Rintisan melalui Program Pengembangan Kewirausahaan, Jurnal Solma, 2614-1531, Vol 9 Edisi 1 Hal 186 – 200, https://journal.uhamka.ac.id/index.php/solma/article/view/4890/1751, Sinta 4
- Wella, S.Kom., M.MSI., COBIT 17, Chatbot Kantor Pelayanan Pajak Pratama Cikupa pada Platform Line, ULTIMA InfoSys, 2549-4015, Vol 9 Edisi 1 Hal 33 – 39, https://ejournals.umn.ac.id/index.php/SI/article/view/1247, Sinta 4
- Wella, S.Kom., M.MSI., COBIT 18, e-WOM: Buy or No Buy?, ULTIMA InfoSys, 2549-4015, Vol 9 Edisi 1 Hal 51 – 56, https://ejournals.umn.ac.id/index.php/SI/article/view/1500, Sinta 4
- Wella, S.Kom., M.MSI., COBIT 19, Apakah Youtuber Indonesia Kena Bully Netizen?, ULTIMA InfoSys, 2549-4015, Vol 11 Edisi 2 Hal 130 – 134, https://ejournals.umn.ac.id/index.php/SI/article/view/1764, Sinta 4
- Wella, S.Kom., M.MSI., COBIT 20, Data Visualization and Sales Prediction of PD. Asia Agung (Ajinomoto) Pontianak in 2019, IJNMT, 2354-0082, Vol 7 Edisi 2 Hal 51 – 57, https://ejournals.umn.ac.id/index.php/IJNMT/article/view/1697, Sinta 4
- Wella, S.Kom., M.MSI., COBIT 21, Support Vector Machine VS Information Gain: Analisis Sentimen Cyberbullying di Twitter Indonesia, ULTIMA InfoSys, 2549-4015, Vol 11 Edisi 2 Hal 107 – 111, https://ejournals.umn.ac.id/index.php/SI/article/view/1740, Sinta 4
- Wella, S.Kom., M.MSI., COBIT 22, The Right Sentiment Analysis Method of Indonesian Tourism in Social Media Twitter, IJNMT, 2581-1851, Vol 7 Edisi 2 Hal 102 – 110, https://ejournals.umn.ac.id/index.php/IJNMT/article/view/1732, Sinta 4
- Wella, S.Kom., M.MSI., COBIT 23, Evaluasi Kualitas Manajemen Mutu pada PT Intikom Berlian Mustika dengan menggunakan ISO 9001:2015, Ultima Infosys, 2085-4579, Vol 10 Edisi 1 Hal 9 – 18, https://ejournals.umn.ac.id/index.php/SI/article/view/1057, SINTA
- Wella, S.Kom., M.MSI., COBIT 24, ITIL 2011: Maturity Level of Service Operation, Case Study PT Pertamina (Persero), Indonesia, IJNMT (International Journal Of New Media Technology), 2355-0082, Vol 6 Edisi 1 Hal 50 – 54, https://ejournals.umn.ac.id/index.php/IJNMT/article/view/1058, SINTA
- Wella, S.Kom., M.MSI., COBIT 25, ITIL 2011: The Maturity of IT Service Operation in Universitas Multimedia Nusantara, Indonesia, International Journal of New Media Technology, 2355-0082, Vol 5 Edisi 2 Hal 90 – 94, https://ejournals.umn.ac.id/index.php/IJNMT/article/view/914, SINTA 4
- Wella, S.Kom., M.MSI., COBIT 26, Analisis Technology Acceptance Model Penggunaan E-Learning pada Mahasiswa, Ultima Infosys, 2085-4579, Vol 9 Edisi 2 Hal 70 – 78, https://ejournals.umn.ac.id/index.php/SI/article/view/913, SINTA 4
- Wella, S.Kom., M.MSI., COBIT 27, Perbandingan Algoritma kNN, C4.5, dan Naive Bayes dalam Pengklasifikasian Kesegaran Ikan Menggunakan Media Foto, Ultimatics, 2085-4552, Vol 9 Edisi 2 Hal 114 – 117, https://ejournals.umn.ac.id/index.php/TI/issue/view/125, Sinta 4
- Wella, S.Kom., M.MSI., COBIT 28, Multi-Instance Face Recognition System Using PCA and ANN, Natural Volatiles and Essential Oils, 2148-9637, Vol 9 Edisi 1 Hal 710 – 718, https://www.nveo.org/index.php/journal/article/view/4567, Google Scholar
- Wella, S.Kom., M.MSI., COBIT 29, Adoption of COBIT 5 Framework in Risk Management for Startup Company, Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education, 1309-4653, Vol 12 Edisi 3 Hal 1446 – 1452, https://turcomat.org/index.php/turkbilmat/article/view/942/731, Scopus (Q4)
- Wella, S.Kom., M.MSI., COBIT 30, Implementasi Portal Pengenalan Budaya Indonesia Ibudaya.ID, Konferensi Nasional ke- 6 PKM dan Corporate Social Responsibility (PKM-CSR), , , ,
- Wella, S.Kom., M.MSI., COBIT 31, Kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Pengembangan dan Pelatihan Aplikasi Gereja Katolik Paroki St. Agustinus Karawaci, PKM CSR 2018, , , ,
- Wella, S.Kom., M.MSI., COBIT 32, Syllabus Management System and Coordinator Recommendation System on Universitas Multimedia Nusantara, 2023 8th International Conference on Business and Industrial Research, , , ,
- Wella, S.Kom., M.MSI., COBIT 33, Cobit 5 Capability Level Of Information Technology Governance at PT ABC, 2023 8th International Conference on Business and Industrial Research, , , ,
- Wella, S.Kom., M.MSI., COBIT 34, Is The Internet in Indonesia Has A Good Sentiment From Netizen?, Joint Virtual of 6th Conmedia and 2nd ICONSONICS, , , ,
- Wella, S.Kom., M.MSI., COBIT 35, PCA Effect on The 3D Face Recognition System Speed, IconISE-ACISE 2020, , , ,
- Wella, S.Kom., M.MSI., COBIT 36, Indonesian Culture Recognition Portal Based on Crowd Sourcing Contents, Proceedings of SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering, , , ,
- Wella, S.Kom., M.MSI., COBIT 37, Indonesian Culture Recognition Portal Based on Crowd Sourcing Contents, Proceedings of SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering, , , ,
- Wella, S.Kom., M.MSI., COBIT 38, Stickiness: Does It Apply To Gen X?, 13th International Conference on Human System Interaction (HSI 2020), , , ,
- Wella, S.Kom., M.MSI., COBIT 39, Gabor Filter Methods to Analyze the Influence of Geographic Distance and Folk Song in Java Indonesia, the 5th International Conference on Informatics and Computing (ICIC2020), , , ,
- Wella, S.Kom., M.MSI., COBIT 40, Affordable Mobile Virtual Reality Earthquake Simulation, the 5th International Conference on Informatics and Computing (ICIC2020), , , ,
- Wella, S.Kom., M.MSI., COBIT 41, Product Recommendation for e-commerce System Based On Ontology, 2019 1st International Conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent System (ICORIS), , , ,
- Wella, S.Kom., M.MSI., COBIT 42, Enhance Repeatability Quality of Feature Detector in Epipolar Geometry Using Image Prepocessing Methods, International Conference on Science, Education, and Humanities (ICSEH 2019), , , ,
- Wella, S.Kom., M.MSI., COBIT 43, iBudaya: Indonesian Culture Portal Based on Software as a Service (SaaS), 5Th International Conference On New Media Studies (CONMEDIA 2019), , , ,
- Wella, S.Kom., M.MSI., COBIT 44, 3D Face Recognition Using Pca And Convolutional Neural Networks, World Conference on Science Engineering and Technology (WCSET 2019), , , ,
- Wella, S.Kom., M.MSI., COBIT 45, Removing DCT High Frequency on Feature Detector Repeatability Quality, 5Th International Conference On New Media Studies (CONMEDIA 2019), , , ,
- Wella, S.Kom., M.MSI., COBIT 46, Simple Additive Weighting Algorithm Helping Recruitment System For Waterpark, 5Th International Conference On New Media Studies (CONMEDIA 2019), , , ,
- Wella, S.Kom., M.MSI., COBIT 47, Data Visualization and Sales Prediction of PD. Asia Agung (Ajinomoto) Pontianak in 2019, 5Th International Conference On New Media Studies (CONMEDIA 2019), , , ,
- Wella, S.Kom., M.MSI., COBIT 48, Does Generation X Intend to Use E-Wallet in Daily Transactions?, The 4th Technology Innovation Management and Engineering Science International Conference (TIMES-iCON2019), , , ,
- Wella, S.Kom., M.MSI., COBIT 49, Evaluation of Feature Detection on Repeatibility Quality of Facial Keypoints in Triangulation Method, IEEE International Conference on Smart Computing and Electronic Enterprise (IEEE ICSCEE 2018), , , ,
- Wella, S.Kom., M.MSI., COBIT 50, Authentication System Using 3D Face with Algorithm DLT and Neural Network, 10th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and 19th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems (SCIS&ISIS2018), , , ,
- Wella, S.Kom., M.MSI., COBIT 51, Building Entrepreneurship Spirit for University Student through Entrepreneurs Training Program, 10th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and 19th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems (SCIS&ISIS2018), , , ,
- Wella, S.Kom., M.MSI., COBIT 52, Indonesia Culture Recognition Based on Software as A Service (SOAS), International Conference on Innovation Entrepreneurship and Technology, , , ,
- Wella, S.Kom., M.MSI., COBIT 53, Is Start Up Bussiness on Coffee Usable with Mobile Application?, 10th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and 19th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems (SCIS&ISIS2018), , , ,
- Wella, S.Kom., M.MSI., COBIT 54, Exploring Effective Learning Reftuter Affecting Student Behavior on Distance Learning, The 10th International Conference on Human System Interaction, , , ,
- Wella, S.Kom., M.MSI., COBIT 55, Fish freshness classification method based on fish image using k-Nearest Neighbor, The 4th International Conference on New Media 2017 (CONMEDIA), , , ,
2016 – Metode Pencocokan Foto Buah dengan Kadar Kemanisan Menggunakan K-Nearest Neighbour
2017 – Metode Pengukuran Kesegaran Ikan Menggunakan Media Foto dengan Pengolahan Citra Digital dan K Nearest Neighbor
2017 – Metode Penentuan Pilihan Warna Lipstik Berdasarkan Kepribadian Wanita Menggunakan Simple Additive Weighting
2017 – Metode Pencocokan Warna Kulit dengan Penggunaan Foundation pada Kosmetik Wajah Menggunakan K-Nearest Neighbour
2017 – Exploring Effective Learning Resources Affecting Student Behavior on Distance Education
2018 – Pengembangan Portal Pengenalan Budaya Indonesia Berbasis Software as a Service (Saas)
2018 – Pemodelan 3 Dimensi (3 D) Untuk Meningkatkan Tingkat Akurasi Pengenalan Objek 3 D dengan Menggunakan Algoritma Direct Linear Transformation