Dr. Rismi Juliadi, S.T., M.Si
Agustus 22, 2020
Samiaji Bintang Nusantara S.T., M.A.
Oktober 12, 2020Dr. Prio Utomo, S.T, MPC
Program Studi | Bisnis |
Fakultas | Magister Management Teknologi |
Riwayat Pendidikan |
Keahlian | Corporate Enterpreneurship, Alliances, Organization Culture, Network, Mobility and Security, IT Governance, IoT, Big Data, BlockChain |
Jabatan | Ketua Program Studi Magister Manajemen Teknologi |
[email protected] |
Dr. Prio Utomo, S.T., MPC mendapatkan gelar doktornya di bidang Manajemen dari Binus University Doctor of Research in Management (DRM) dengan konsentrasi Sustainability and Growth Strategy di tahun 2018, dan Magister Professional Computing dari University of Southern Queendsland serta Sarjana Teknik Elektro Universitas Trisakti dengan penjurusan Teknik Komputer. Minat mengajar dan penelitiannya meliputi business technology strategy, technology adoption, entrepreneurship.
Sebelum berkiprah di dunia Pendidikan secara penuh, Prio berkarya sebagai pelaku industry selama 25 tahun dan menempati beberapa posisi strategis di baik perusahaan teknologi multinational maupun regional seperti Cisco System, Hewlett-Packard, Compaq Computer dan Siemens, dengan pengalaman dibidang Market dan Business Development serta New Technology Adoption dengan berbagai prestasi yang membanggakan.
Beberapa pencapaian dari segi kompetensi industry, beliau memiliki sertifikasi Cisco Certified Internetworking Expert (CCIE #17431), CISSP, TOGAF 9 and COBIT.
- The role of alliances formation in organizational ambidexterity and firm competitiveness (An empirical study in Indonesia digital startup firms), International Conference on Advanced Management and Information Technology Services, AdMITS 2017.
- Practiced Culture toward Firm Competitiveness Performance: Evidence from Indonesia, International Conference on Advanced Management and Information Technology Services, AdMITS 2017.
- Dr. Prio Utomo. S.T., MPC.(2020).Firm Competitiveness and Firm Performance – The Impact of Alliance Formation in Early Stage Digital Start-ups, International copernicus indexed.
- Dr. Prio Utomo. S.T., MPC.(2020).The Effects of Perceived Usefulness, Perceived Ease of Use, Perceived Security and Risk-Free on the Customer Decision to Borrow Using P2P Lending, International copernicus indexed.
- Dr. Prio Utomo. S.T., MPC.(2020).Determinants of Effectiveness Repayment Apps at P2P Lending Platform During Covid 19 Pandemic in Indonesia, International
- Dr. Prio Utomo. S.T., MPC.(2020).Investigating Factors Impelling the innovation performance: A perspective from Internal Corporate New Business Venturing on Manufacturing Industry, International Conference
- Dr. Prio Utomo. S.T., MPC.(2020).Determinants Of Fintech Market Aggregator User Satisfaction Using UTAUT Approach, International conference
- Dr. Prio Utomo. S.T., MPC.(2020).Cloud Implementation To Increase Animation Studio Production Flexibility And Efficiency (A Case Study), International conference
- Dr. Prio Utomo. S.T., MPC.(2020).Cloud Based Demand Forecasting For Stationery Industry In Indonesia, International conference
- Dr. Prio Utomo. S.T., MPC.(2020).Analysis Of Factors That Affecting The Acceptance Of The Use Of Digital Form Mobile Application At Pt. Abc Using TAM And UTAUT Theoretical Model, International conference
- Dr. Prio Utomo. S.T., MPC.(2020).Development And Implementation Of Electronic Document Management Systems Maturity Model In The Engineering Procurement Construction (Epc) Company, International conference
- Dr. Prio Utomo. S.T., MPC.(2020).Determinants of Effectiveness Repayment Apps at P2P Lending Platform During Covid 19 Pandemic in Indonesia, International conference
- Dr. Prio Utomo. S.T., MPC.(2020).Investigating Factors Impelling the innovation performance: A perspective from Internal Innovation Program on Manufacturing Industry, International conference