Desain Komunikasi Visual

Apa itu Desain Komunikasi Visual?

Desain Komunikasi Visual merupakan ilmu yang mempelajari mengenai pengaplikasian seni dan desain dalam mengkomunikasikan pesan – pesan secara visual. Melalui program studi ini mahasiswa akan memahami bagaimana penerapan seni dan desain dalam menciptakan solusi bagi permasalahan yang ada di masyarakat sehingga mereka mampu merancang komunikasi melalui visual di berbagai macam media untuk menciptakan perubahan untuk dunia. Program Studi DKV UMN menjadi wadah bagi mahasiswa untuk mengembangkan kreativitas dan inovasi serta keterampilan mereka di bidang seni dan desain agar sesuai dengan kompetensi global dan kebutuhan industri masa depan.

Kenapa harus pilih
Desain Komunikasi Visual UMN?

Program studi Desain Komunikasi Visual Universitas Multimedia Nusantara menjunjung nilai-nilai kenusantaraan dan mengedepankan pengetahuan berbasis perkembangan teknologi informasi (ICT) yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan industri di masa depan.

Untuk menunjang hal tersebut, program studi DKV UMN menerapkan kurikulum yang up to date, memfasilitasi mahasiswa dengan sarana dan prasarana yang lengkap, serta tenaga pengajar yang profesional. Kemudian, mahasiswa akan dibekali dengan pengembangan jiwa kewirausahaan yang mempersiapkan  mereka agar siap menghadapi industri kerja yang sesungguhnya. Selain itu, program studi ini juga telah diakui oleh industri dan asosiasi profesional desain baik secara nasional maupun internasional.

Tabel Kredit Lulus

Kredit lulus144 SKS
Program Pendidikan AkademikSarjana Strata 1
Durasi4 Tahun
Bahasa PengantarBahasa Indonesia
GelarSarjana Desain (S.Ds.)

Vision & Mission


Menjadi program studi Perhotelan (Diploma Tiga) unggulan yang menghasilkan lulusan profesional berdaya saing nasional dan internasional, memiliki keunggulan unik di bidang wirausaha dan ICT serta memiliki budi pekerti yang luhur


  1. Menyelenggarakan proses pembelajaran yang didukung tenaga pengajar yang berkualitas dan kurikulum yang up to date dan link and match dengan dunia industri perhotelan.
  2. Melaksanakan program penelitian yang memberikan kontribusi bagi pengembangan dunia industri perhotelan.
  3. Memanfaatkan ilmu dan keahlian vokasi perhotelan dalam rangka melaksanakan pengabdian kepada masyarakat.

Career Prospect

Hotel Diploma Program creates professional graduates of national and international competitiveness, who possess unique advantages in the field of entrepreneurship and ICT with a noble character, such as Front Office Supervisor, Head Receptionist, Housekeeping Supervisor, Floor Supervisor, Chef, F&B Supervisor, Bartender, and Enterpreneur.

Lead your future with us, one of the top established global university brands. Rest assure your studies at UMN will play a crucial role in achieving your desired career in the future.

Career Support

The Careers Development and Industry Placement team will assist students in finding an internship that matches your skills and development objectives. Internship experience will enable students to develop confidence, teamwork, leadership skills and a professional attitude. It will also help to secure the first step on the career ladder.

  • Internship I: In this entry level position, the students will gain a practical exposure as a Hotelier on a real working environment. During the training, the students will gain an introduction on the industry on how the hospitality industry operates. This stage of internship is focused in working experience in the front office and housekeeping department.
  • Internship II: The second internship provides an opportunity for the students to be the part of the industry with a deeper involvement in the production and operational section. This internship stage is aimed to sharpen the skills on practical application and communication skills in the real working situation. This stage of internship is focused on kitchen production and F&B Service.

Learning Achievements

Preparing graduates of Journalism Study Program that master the development of new journalistic products and are able to produce multimedia content in accordance with the needs of the industry so that they can work as journalists in various media platforms whether it is television, radio, print media, online platforms or media convergence.


When graduate, the students will receive Diploma certificate and 2 (two) competence certificates in their preferred fields both in Room Division Management and Restaurant Operation from BNSP.


The Hotel Diploma Program at UMN consists of hands-on hospitality courses, including Room Division Management and Restaurant Operation, with introductory hotel management courses based on ICT. Students will learn not only about the operation of Front Office and Housekeeping management, but also about the service and production of Food and Beverage service, alongside with a variety of academic disciplines, including foreign languages. This program prepares you with the experience and practical skills to achieve various careers in the hospitality industry.

Entry Requirement

  • High school graduates majoring in science and social studies
  • Graduates of SMK all Majors
  • TOEFL Prediction minimum 450 from CED UMN
  • Health Certificate

Admission Click Here


UMN cooperates with the Santika Hotel group network, JW Marriott, Mercure Hotels, Pullman Hotels and Resorts, Morissey Hotel Residences, Grand Hyatt Jakarta, Hotel Indonesia Kempinski Jakarta, The Park Lane Jakarta, The Sultan Hotel Jakarta, Mandarin Oriental Jakarta, and Switzerland-Bellin Airport Jakarta, to provide training for the students.

UMN cooperates with Blue Mountains International Hotel Management School (BMIHMS) Australia to provide study options to the students after completing their studies at UMN, including:

  1. Study at BMIHMS for 6 months + Internship in Australia for 6 months.
  2. Continuing studies at BMIHMS in a Bachelor Degree program.

Why choose UMN’s Department of Hotel Operations?

The Hotel Diploma Program at Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (UMN) provides an excellent starting point for your career in the hospitality industry. This program combines basic theory with real-world practice to give you a thorough overview of different areas in hospitality, by providing academic education together with vocational core competency training. This carries considerable value and prestige with employers in the hospitality industry worldwide. Moreover, the Hotel Diploma Program also enables the students to obtain the necessary knowledge for their entrepreneurial ideas related to the industry.

ECTS Points Table

ECTS Points 174,4 points
Education TypeDiploma Program
Duration3 years
Bachelor's DegreeAhli Madya Pariwisata (A.Md.Par.)

Career Prospect

Hotel Diploma Program creates professional graduates of national and international competitiveness, who possess unique advantages in the field of entrepreneurship and ICT with a noble character, such as Front Office Supervisor, Head Receptionist, Housekeeping Supervisor, Floor Supervisor, Chef, F&B Supervisor, Bartender, and Enterpreneur.

Lead your future with us, one of the top established global university brands. Rest assure your studies at UMN will play a crucial role in achieving your desired career in the future.

Career Support

The Careers Development and Industry Placement team will assist students in finding an internship that matches your skills and development objectives. Internship experience will enable students to develop confidence, teamwork, leadership skills and a professional attitude. It will also help to secure the first step on the career ladder.

  • Internship I: In this entry level position, the students will gain a practical exposure as a Hotelier on a real working environment. During the training, the students will gain an introduction on the industry on how the hospitality industry operates. This stage of internship is focused in working experience in the front office and housekeeping department.
  • Internship II: The second internship provides an opportunity for the students to be the part of the industry with a deeper involvement in the production and operational section. This internship stage is aimed to sharpen the skills on practical application and communication skills in the real working situation. This stage of internship is focused on kitchen production and F&B Service.

Student Scholarships

UMN scholarship program is offered to high school students in 12th grade who have academic, sports, and artistic achievements while in 11th grade. In addition, UMN also offers the program to high school/vocational school students who won medals in the National and International Science Olympics. As a form of appreciation for the dedication of teachers and employees/ staff in educating the nation's children, UMN provides scholarships in the form of a 50% reduction in fees for teachers/principals and a 30% reduction in fees for children of the employees/staff in high schools/vocational schools (both public and private) who want to continue their education at UMN.

Selengkapnya Informasi Beasiswa

Entry Requirement

  • High school graduates majoring in science and social studies
  • Graduates of SMK all Majors
  • TOEFL Prediction minimum 450 from CED UMN
  • Health Certificate

Admission Click Here

Academic Guidance Meeting

Students are required to attend academic guidance meetings at least 3 times per semester. The schedule of the meetings will be provided by the respective academic supervisors. Students have to bring the academic guidance book for the meeting and they need to make sure that the academic supervisor signs it.

Continuing Education Department

Continuing Education Department (CED) adalah program pengembangan pendidikan di Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (UMN) yang merupakan bagian dari Grup Kompas Gramedia. Kami memiliki berbagai program dalam kursus bahasa, pengembangan manusia, Pusat Pengujian untuk sertifikasi nasional dan internasional, dan program pelatihan. CED UMN dirancang untuk memenuhi kebutuhan siswa sekolah menengah dan perguruan tinggi, serta masyarakat dan profesional.

Information about CED

Internship Program Information

Students are encouraged to find their own companies / agencies for their internships that align with the focus of Department of Hotel Operations i.e. Industrial Automation. Information about available internships can be obtained from other students, social media, job fairs, advertisements in print or electronic media or even through the UMN Career Development Center (CDC).

Thesis Program Information

To complete the Undergraduate Program (S-1) at Multimedia Nusantara University, students must prepare, present, and defend the thesis in front of the thesis examination board, in accordance with the provisions of the study program. The preparation of the thesis is done individually and the students can choose the supervisor directly provided that the selected supervisor agrees.

Important Information

In connection with the New Normal regulations, UMN implements its teaching system in accordance with the Press Release of the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number 137/sipers/A6/VI/2020 concerning Guidelines for The Implementation of Learning in the School Year and New Academic Year during the COVID-19 Pandemic, Chapter of the Learning System in the Higher Education Environment.

Tiki Danawiranti, S.Hum, MSc
Septi Fahmi Choirisa, S.Kom.I, M.Par
Adestya Ayu Armielia, S.ST.M.Si.Par
Yoanita Alexandra, S.E, B.A, M.Par
Oqke Prawira, SST.Par, M.Si.Par

To support the learning process, umn provided a complete and sophisticated college facility, according to industrial standards. Through the existence of the facility, students have been invited to be close to the industrial world since sitting in college and to have competence that matches the needs of the industry. That way, it will make it easier for umn students to find jobs, even before graduation.

Laboratorium ini terdiri dari lima area. Main Kitchen digunakan untuk membuat appetizer (makanan terbuka), soup […]

Dengan suasana kamar ala hotel bintang lima, house keeping lab memiliki dua tipe kamar simulasi […]

Laboratorium ini memiliki fasilitas restoran, meja dan kursi bar, meja banquet, chilller, dan peralatan juggling […]

Laboratorium ini terdiri dari front office dan back office. Di lab ini, mahasiswa perhotelan UMN […]

Extracurricular Student Activities

In order to help students explore and develop their non-academic potentials, UMN also provides a variety of extra-curricular activities for students which is locally called UKM, Student Activity Unit.

Mahasiswa Pencinta Alam Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (Mapala UMN) adalah salah satu Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa yang […]

Ultima Sonora merupakan Paduan Suara Mahasiswa Universitas Multimedia Nusantara yang telah berdiri sejak tahun 2007. […]

UMN Symphony Orchestra (USO), adalah salah satu UKM seni dan budaya di UMN. Sesuai dengan […]

Let’s Dance (LDNC) adalah Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa (UKM) yang berfokus di bidang tari. LDNC sendiri […]

Traditional dance atau yang akrab disebut dengan TRACCE merupakan Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa di Universitas Multimedia […]

Qorie merupakan salah satu dari banyak Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa di Universitas Multimedia Nusantara telah berdiri […]


Rekapitulasi Penelitian Internal - Perhotelan

Daftar Kegiatan PKM Dosen

Rekapitulasi Inovasi Hak Cipta - Perhotelan


Information Literacy

Information literacy is an ability that individuals have in determining, searching, managing and evaluating information effectively and efficiently. This training is open to UMN active students. For further information, please contact:

Banyak hal yang saya dapatkan semasa kuliah di UMN. Yang paling signifikan adalah berfikir out-of-the-box serta mendapat berbagai organisasi kampus membuat saya aktif dalam menambah ilmu dan relasi di dunia kerja.


Joanika Juanda (alumni DKV)

Communication Leader At Decathlon Indonesia

Desain Komunikasi Visual

“Visual Communication Design program focuses on generating innovation based problem solving and bring the future of new media creative content through reliable curriculum, dynamic academic activities, advance supporting facilities, and world wide academic networking.”

Mohammad Rizaldi, S.T, M.Ds. – Ketua Program Studi DKV


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