Universitas Multimedia Nusantara “Excellent Career begins with Excellent Education” more info

UMN students who we are proud of and esteemed ladies and gentlemen.

It is undeniable that the presence of Artificial Intelligence (AI), especially Generative AI, has brought significant disruptive changes to jobs, professions, and industries. AI has proven to bring benefits such as increased productivity, reduced costs and efficiency, and innovation. Although it is feared that AI will replace humans in handling various jobs, on the contrary, many new jobs or professions will be created.

AI does have many advantages, but humans certainly have abilities that AI does not have. It is believed that AI will not replace humans. However, humans with AI capabilities will replace humans without AI capabilities. For this reason, mastery over AI has become …

Dr. Ir. Andrey Andoko, M.Sc.

Rektor Universitas Multimedia Nusantara


Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (UMN) welcomes international students to apply for our undergraduate or bachelor degree for four years of study. UMN aims to guide and create internationally-minded graduates highly competent in their field, equipped with an entrepreneurial spirit and noble character. We wish to be a part of the change in making our world a better place through our education.

University Board Member

International Partnership

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas non finibus mauris. Mauris lobortis orci ut purus aliquet lacinia. Fusce et leo quam. Curabitur pellentesque porttitor sapien tempor finibus. Integer ut vehicula elit. Phasellus id egestas lectus, sit amet mattis nulla. Fusce dictum sagittis odio, a iaculis erat sollicitudin vitae. Nulla scelerisque ipsum ut facilisis pellentesque. Duis maximus pretium ligula, semper sagittis magna laoreet a. Ut ut velit ut libero mollis fringilla a id nisl. Fusce egestas gravida velit, id cursus diam consectetur convallis. Fusce pretium nisi lectus, vitae ultricies odio sagittis id. Etiam dictum nisl in metus gravida feugiat. Mauris vel semper est.

Admission Process

  1. Register through & complete the registration fee for IDR 100.000 or USD 6.5
  2. Join an online scholarship test (instructions will be shared by WhatsApp Group).
  3. UMN issued a scholarship notice letter.
  4. Write an essay about “What do you know about Indonesia? Why do you want to study in Indonesia & UMN?” with minimum words of 500 and maximum words of 750.
  5. Send the essay to [email protected] with the email subject “UMN International Essay Admission_(Full Name)” within 1 week after the scholarship notice letter is issued.
  6. Online interview with the UMN admission team.
  7. After passing all the tests, prospective students will be given an offering letter to sign on.
  8. Make a down-payment fee.
  9. Send the TOEFL (ITP) / IELTS result by June 1st, 2025.
  10. Filling out the international student form.
  11. Pay for the VISA preparation fee of around USD 640 – USD 700 (depending on the USD rate).
  12. For international students who don’t have a family in Indonesia, the dormitory fee is around USD 115 – USD 160 monthly or yearly (with an 8% discount)
  13. Do re-registration around June-July 2025.
  14. Study permit issued by the government of education, UMN will apply for the VISA.
  15. After the VISA is issued by the immigration, prospective students can book a flight.
  16. Prospective international students are expected to arrive in Indonesia & UMN by August 1st, 2025.
  17. After arrival at the Soekarno Hatta Airport, prospective students should register their phone’s IMEI number.
  18. First day of university, prospective students will be accompanied by a student buddy, and get a student ID & an alma mater jacket.

*There will be Learning Management System (LMS) training to be announced

*UMN provides BIPA class (Bahasa Indonesia untuk Penutur Asing) with special price as there’ll be 5 subjects delivered in Bahasa Indonesia

International Class Requirements & Detail Information

  1. Admission to undergraduate programs requires a good academic performance in senior high school or college.
  2. We only accept candidates who graduated from Grade 12 or 12-year study (senior high school degree), A-level education, or an IB Diploma (the diploma must be in accordance with UMN and Indonesian provisions).
  3. The online test will be held in English with 45 mathematics and logical questions with multiple-choice answers. The duration of the online test is 2 hours.
  4. The UMN International Bachelor Program is a four-year on-site/offline study program at the UMN Campus in Tangerang. Students can extend their studies by a maximum of one year after the four years to retake any subjects they did not pass.
  5. For international undergraduate programs applicants should prove an English Language proficiency with a minimum score of TOEFL (ITP) 550 or an IELTS overall score of 6.
  6. All prospective students are eligible to take one of the 13 study programs at UMN.
  7. Student VISA is required to be processed through UMN by paying a visa fee.
  8. Prospective international students who don’t have family in Indonesia need to live in the UMN dormitory.
  9. Prospective international students are forbidden to marry while studying in Indonesia (except the ones who’ve been married before).
  10. Maximum age of prospective international bachelor students is 30 years old and there’s no age requirement for prospective master’s degree program students.
  11. Doesn’t have any criminal record & is required to obey Indonesian law.
  12. Not allowed to work while studying at UMN due to holding a student visa, not a working visa.
  13. International class & regular class have the same price & terms.
  14. If you want to withdraw, the tuition fees that have been paid cannot be refunded. Unless you are accepted in Indonesian public universities and or student visa status is rejected by the immigration.
  15. Student visa fee can’t be refunded if it gets rejected by immigration.

Study Permit

To get the study permit, prospective international students need to submit:

  1. Scanned Passport
  2. Medical Checkup Statement
  3. Formal Pass Photo with White / Blue / Red background
  4. Acceptance letter from the university
  5. Completing the “International Student Form
  6. UMN apply to the education ministry to get the study permit for each international student
  7. The Study VISA can be processed when the study permit has been issued by the education ministry


  1. All prospective international students are required to proceed with their Student VISA through Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (UMN)
  2. List of required documents to process the Study VISA:
    • Senior High School Diploma 1 copy in native language & 1 copy in English (officially translated)
    • Student Declaration
    • Financial Statement
    • Medical Statement
    • Guardian’s Bank Statement (Balance in the recent 3 months. Balance equivalent to USD 2000. For scholarship grantee: Home University Bank Statement)
    • Complete Housing Form
    • Recent Formal Photopass Photo (4 x 6 cm, White Background, Collared Shirt, excluding white shirt)
  3. Student VISA and document preparation fee costs around USD 640 – USD 700 (depending on the USD rate). It’s a non-refundable fee if the Student VISA is rejected by the immigration.
  4. The Student VISA-making period is approximately 1 month.

Calling Visa Countries

Calling visa countries might be different every year:

North Korea
Republic of Guinea

Prospective international students from calling visa countries need more time to process their study visas. Also, there may be an additional cost and the application might be rejected.

Foreigner in Indonesia

For those foreigners in Indonesia who are interested in studying at UMN, they have to change their current VISA to Study VISA. Then, when UMN applied for the Study VISA, prospective students required to exit Indonesia for 7-10 days.


  • UMN International Program provides partial & full scholarships.
  • UMN scholarships cover the entrance fee and/or with the tuition fee.
  • The amount of the scholarship will depends on the online scholarship test results. Higher score, better scholarship.
  • UMN scholarship doesn’t cover the student visa fee, flight, accommodation (dormitory fee), and living expenses.

Tuition Fees

Information Systems$2,050.00$1,200.00
Physics Engineering$1,780.00$1,020.00
Electrical Engineering$1,780.00$1,020.00
Computer Engineering$1,780.00$1,020.00
Strategic Communication$2,215.00$1,020.00
Digital Journalism$1,985.00$1,035.00
Visual Communication and Design$2,825.00$1,355.00
Hotel Operations Diploma$1,365.00$825.00

Other Costs
*Paid individually as UMN doesn’t cover these costs

Visa, Study Permit and Document PreparationAround $640 - $680One-time payment via Bank Transfer to UMN
Flight to IndonesiaSelf-arrangedSelf-arranged
UMN DormitoryAround $115 - $160Estimated price is per month, Dormitory can also be paid annually with an 8% discount. Payment via UMN Dormitory Bank Transfer
Monthly Groceries, Food, Transport, Electricity, Laundry, EtcAround $130 - $190Monthly by Bank Transfer / Qrish / Cash & Self-arranged
Tuition Fee / Semestrial Fee
(For partial scholarship awardee)
Depend on every studentEvery 6 months via UMN Bank Transfer

Faculty of Engineering & Informatics

Informatics Study Program

Informatics Study Program

Students will learn to manage data and automate systems using technology to create tools that enhance human life.
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Physics Engineering Study Program

Physics Engineering Study Program

Students will learn to combine engineering with math, physics, and chemistry, teaching students to apply physics in energy use, like installing solar panels for sustainability.
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Computer Engineering Study Program

Computer Engineering Study Program

Computer engineering focuses on designing and developing embedded systems for mobile devices, as well as building networks, data communication, and digital technology-based devices.
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Information Systems Study Program

Information Systems Study Program

Information systems is a combination of information technology and business management. In this study program, students will learn how to create and build a system that can be used by companies to manage business.
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Electrical Engineering Study Program

Electrical Engineering Study Program

Electrical engineering is the application of science and technology related to electricity and its application in meeting the needs of daily human life.
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Faculty of Communication

Strategic Communication Study Program

Strategic Communication Study Program

Focuses on communication strategies for businesses, brands, and companies. Part of UMN Online Learning & UMN Master Program.
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Digital Journalism Study Program

Digital Journalism Study Program

Covers all journalism formats: writing, audio, visual, and audiovisual, from planning and production to content dissemination and social media monitoring.
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Faculty of Business

Business Management

Business Management

Prepares future managers and technopreneurs to navigate Indonesia’s rapidly evolving industry influenced by ICT advancements.
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Teaches financial management, report preparation, and financial statement analysis for internal and external corporate purposes.
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Hotel Operations

Hotel Operations

The Hospitality study program teaches how a hotel is operated. Students will learn various sciences related to service and hospitality ranging from Front Office, Housekeeping, Laundry, FnB Production and services to Pastry and Bakery.
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Faculty of Art and Design

Visual Communication Design

Visual Communication Design

Teaches visual solutions for societal issues, enabling students to design impactful communication across various media.
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Film & Animation

Film & Animation

Covers filmmaking fundamentals, including story creation, camera work, image composition, and editing for high-quality production.
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Focuses on designing spaces that balance aesthetics, sustainability, and resource efficiency for functional and eco-friendly environments.
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Guideline Module

Are you a prospective international student looking to study and live in Indonesia? You’ve come to the right place! At Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (UMN), we are excited to guide you through your journey.

Study & Living in Indonesia Guidelines
To help you get started, we’ve prepared a comprehensive guide that covers everything you need to know about studying and living in Indonesia. This guide includes detailed information on:

  • About UMN: Learn about our university, programs, and facilities.
  • Gading Serpong: Discover the vibrant area where UMN is located.
  • Immigration and Limited Stay Permit: Understand the visa and permit requirements.
  • Access & Location Map: Find out how to get to UMN and navigate the area.
  • Life in Indonesia: Get tips on adapting to the local culture and lifestyle.
  • Procedures After Arrival: Know what to do once you arrive in Indonesia.
  • Student Body: Meet our diverse and dynamic student community.
  • New Student Orientation: Get ready for your first days at UMN.

We look forward to welcoming you to UMN and supporting you throughout your academic journey!

UMN Academic Guide

New students will get a packaged course through their first & second semester or their first year of study. All students are required to take their own courses or do their Kartu Rencana Studi (KRS) or Study Plan Card from their third semester up to their last semester. There is the list for taking the maximum credits as follows:

*Taking courses for odd semesters (Semester 3, 5, 7, and on) depends on the previous odd semesters GPA. For instance, the first semester GPA is 3.5 means the maximum study load to be taken in the third semester is up to 24 credits. Then, the third semester GPA is 2.70 means the maximum credits for the fifth semester is up to 21 credits.

Therefore, it is better for every student to maintain a GPA each semester so that they can complete their studies on time.

Frequent Academic Term used:

  • Kartu Rencana Studi (KRS) = Study Plan Card
  • Indeks Prestasi Semester (IPS) = Semester GPA
  • Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK) = Cumulative GPA
  • Satuan Kredit Semester (SKS) = Semester Credit Points
  • Satuan Kredit Kegiatan Mahasiswa (SKKM) = Student Activity Credit Units

Student Activity Credit Units (SKKM) are implemented so that all UMN students/graduates meet the same minimum standards in developing soft skills. In addition, SKKM encourages active participation of all students in extracurricular activities. SKKM is an assessment of activities organized and participated in by students in extracurricular activities, both organized from within and outside the campus, for self-development.

Each student is required to meet a minimum of 20 SKKM points and meet 100% in each field. SKKM points as one of the requirements for student graduation.

Composition of SKKM points

  1. 30% scientific and reasoning fields
  2. 20% talent and interest fields
  3. 20% community service fields
  4. 30% organizational and personality development fields

University Board Member

International Partnership

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas non finibus mauris. Mauris lobortis orci ut purus aliquet lacinia. Fusce et leo quam. Curabitur pellentesque porttitor sapien tempor finibus. Integer ut vehicula elit. Phasellus id egestas lectus, sit amet mattis nulla. Fusce dictum sagittis odio, a iaculis erat sollicitudin vitae. Nulla scelerisque ipsum ut facilisis pellentesque. Duis maximus pretium ligula, semper sagittis magna laoreet a. Ut ut velit ut libero mollis fringilla a id nisl. Fusce egestas gravida velit, id cursus diam consectetur convallis. Fusce pretium nisi lectus, vitae ultricies odio sagittis id. Etiam dictum nisl in metus gravida feugiat. Mauris vel semper est.

Take the first step toward a global future today!

Start your international journey at UMN.

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