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November 13, 2023
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November 13, 2023Orisa (3rd from left) at the MoU signing session at the KPPTI II event. (Doc. UMN Library)
SEMARANG – Multimedia Nusantara University (Universitas Multimedia Nusantara/UMN) Library participated in the 2nd annual Indonesian Higher Education Library International Conference (Konferensi Internasional Perpustakaan Perguruan Tinggi Indonesia/KPPTI) organized by the Indonesian Higher Education Library Forum (Forum Perpustakaan Perguruan Tinggi Indonesia/FPPTI). The theme this time was “Upscaling Academic Library Resources as a Strategy to Navigate the Post-Pandemic Era, Digital Transformation, and Society 5.0 in the Interconnected World.” The event was held at Hotel Santika Semarang on Wednesday-Friday (November 1-3, 2023).
Higher education libraries play an important role in supporting the learning, research, and development process. Especially in the post-pandemic era, it has brought significant changes, especially in terms of digital library access, which has encouraged digital transformation in libraries.
According to UMN Library Manager Orisa Mahardhini, this conference provides a rare opportunity for library experts to unite to improve the quality of library services. It also ensures that higher education libraries remain relevant in an ever-changing era.
The series of conference events includes international seminars, workshops on the implementation of digital technology in libraries, a Call for Paper & Best Practice presentations, and the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) and Cooperation Agreements between Higher Education Libraries and the National Library of RI.
“With a diverse and informative agenda, this conference is an ideal place to understand the latest trends in the field of higher education libraries and improve cooperative relationships between institutions,” Orisa said.
Orisa was UMN’s representative in signing the MoU extension and Cooperation Agreement (Perjanjian Kerja Sama/PKS) with the National Library of RI.
Orisa explained that this cooperation will strengthen institutional relations and joint library utilization, resource exchange, collection development, and innovative library service development.
This grand event involved higher education libraries in Indonesia and several countries to share knowledge, experience, and the latest innovations in libraries and higher education environments. One of the speakers was the Advisor and Global Relations of the National University of Singapore, Lee Cheng Ean.
UMN Librarian Fajarika gives a presentation on research articles. (Doc. UMN Library)
In addition, one of the UMN librarians, Fajarika Rahmawati, also had the opportunity to represent the library to present a research article entitled “UNION Mobile Self Check-Out: Embracing the Digital Era in Libraries to Improve User’s Experience and Satisfaction.” The presentation of this research article was carried out at the Call for Best Practice activity.
This article is one of the outputs of the Mobile Self Check-Out innovation released by the UMN library in collaboration with the IT Department, which is also owned.
by Annisa Maulida | UMN News Service
English translation by Levina Chrestella Theodora
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