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December 13, 2022Tuition fees: College supplies for management study program students – (source: Unsplash)
Tangerang – When entering the world of college, of course, we must be prepared for the costs that must be borne. Tuition fees are not only fees related to registration, credits, building fees, etc. Tuition fees also include college equipment and supplies that must be prepared. Then what college equipment and supplies do new Management Study Program students need? Check out the following article.
As new students, of course, we have to prepare all the college supplies. This is so that later during lectures, we can focus on the teaching and learning process.
For new students of the Management Study Program, there are several tools and equipment that must be prepared before class.
College Equipment and Supplies for New Students
Students should prepare their college supplies in advance so they wouldn’t need to rush last minute to prepare them. College supplies are essential as they support the lecture process. For Management Study Program students, what are the supplies and equipment required? Among them:
- Stationary
Stationery is a tool that every student must own. Even though nowadays everything is digital and modern, there are times when students have to take notes on the physical material provided. Besides, writing tools make designing or recreating a concept or material easier.
In the Management Department itself, stationery is essential. The reason is students will be faced with making graphs, curves, and the like. Stationery in the form of pencils, pens, rulers, and others is needed. Stationery also has a more practical value than taking notes using a cell phone or laptop.
Also read: Students Must Know, 6 Basic Competencies of Management Majors.
- Laptops
Now, the following supply is a laptop. The use of laptops in the Management Department is essential. Apart from making presentations, there are times when students are asked to process data or convert it into graphs or curves.
In addition, laptops also make it easier for students to make reports or prepare scientific papers. You should have a personal laptop that can support the lecture process later.
- Scientific Calculator
The scientific calculator is a calculator that has features for a complete calculation process. Actually, every cell phone has a calculator. However, the calculator on phones is not complete. There are times when Management students may be asked to calculate from multiplication, division, roots, and so on.
The scientific calculator is also useful for exams. Usually, for complex calculations, students are allowed to bring their calculators, however, in the form of an actual calculator instead of phones. Hence, it’s best to use a scientific calculator.
- USB/Flash Disk
A flash disk is a way out in sharing files or data. Even though nowadays there are cloud applications for exchanging files, there are times when we need to move data or files quickly. Sometimes when using the cloud, uploading files requires a stable and fast speed. By using a flash disk, all you have to do is copy and paste the desired file.
However, of course, the weakness of the flash is the distance. We cannot share files using a flash drive if we do not connect to the device from which the files will be retrieved. Meanwhile, for cloud, distance and time are not obstacles. Which one do you choose?
Also read: Dedicated to the Nation, UMN Provides Full Undergraduate Scholarships Until Graduation.
So, friends, those are some college supplies that new students must bring, specifically the Department of Management. In addition to the supplies listed above, many more tools and equipment can be prepared.
However, these college supplies are adjustable– meaning that you can prepare whatever supply you need according to your individual needs and requirements.
Obviously, college supplies become one of the college fees students need to spend. College supplies and equipment are necessary to help students do their assignments, share lecture materials, etc.
By Benedictus Adithia | UMN News Service
English translation by Levina Chrestella Theodora
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