Common Terms Used in The Digital Journalism Major
October 15, 2022
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October 15, 2022Digital journalism graduates have broad job prospects in the digital era. (source: Unsplash/@thisisengineering)
“The salary of a journalist is small.” Perhaps many of you have heard or read this saying. But don’t get me wrong, even though you graduated with a digital journalism major, you don’t always have to be a journalist. Curious? Let’s look at the career paths of graduates from the digital journalism major.
Career Prospects for Graduates of the Digital Journalism Major
Content/Creative writer
Being a content writer or creative writer may be one of the most popular jobs for students of the faculty of communication science, including students in the digital journalism major. When you study journalism, one of the things you do the most is writing! Whether it’s writing scripts, writing articles, and so on. Journalism graduates will have a wealth of experience writing on various themes and topics. With these skills, digital journalism graduates can work in various industries, from media to creative, entertainment, and others.
Also read: Majors at UMN and its Accreditation 2022.
UX Writer
Can a digital journalism major graduate work as a UX Writer? Absolutely! Writing for news means writing for ordinary people. Journalists elaborate on jargon and write in simple, easy-to-understand language. UX Writer follows the same principles; they humanize the brand. UX Writer makes apps and websites feel approachable, easy to talk to, and user-friendly.
Besides, being a UX Writer requires research skills, a skill journalism students have! Even though being a journalist and a UX Writer seem far and different, they are not. With your current journalistic skills and the addition of an online course on UX writing, you can try your hand at a career in UX Writing!
Content Creator
In this internet era, many young people eventually work as content creators or influencers. While studying digital journalism, students will be taught to use various technologies and gadgets to do everything from reporting, recording, writing, and spreading the news. Students will also be taught to be able to use various social media. Therefore, digital journalism graduates can have a career as content creators for any industry!
SEO Specialist
Many mass media today have implemented SEO tricks in their articles. Most likely, digital journalism students will also be taught how to write SEO-friendly articles. Although not taught, it is not difficult to write SEO articles! As long as they have writing experience, journalism graduates can also become SEO content writers. If you have experience with SEO, journalism graduates can not only become SEO content writers but can also become SEO specialists. And maybe many of you know, there are a lot of job vacancies related to SEO, and the salaries are tempting too!
Are you good at talking, setting the mood, and love being in front of the camera? In addition to becoming a content creator, you can also be an MC! Journalism students will automatically be trained to become reporters, and you can slowly use that knowledge to build a career to become an MC. So, if you don’t want to be a reporter or journalist, you can very well be an MC for birthdays, weddings, and so on. If you are smart and have the opportunity to work in a big agency, get ready to thicken your wallet!
Social Media Officer or Specialist
Yes, journalism students can also become social media officers or specialists, not only Public Relations or Marketing students. Every journalist today is required to be able to understand various social media and how to use them to reach a wider public. So, digital journalism major graduates can work in any industry that requires the services of a social media officer or specialist. If you are not confident with your skills or knowledge, there are lots of online courses related to social media that you can take for free or cheap.
Also read: Majors at UMN.
Well, those are the career paths for digital journalism major graduates. Very broad, isn’t it? When you become a journalism student, you will learn about various industries and topics, helping students gain a broad range of knowledge. Do you want to study digital journalism? Let’s register at UMN!
- Writer
- Bootcamp UX Writer
By Levina Chrestella Theodora | UMN News Service
English translation by Levina Chrestella Theodora
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