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October 6, 2022The basic difference between a data scientist and a data analyst (source: unsplash.com)
Tangerang – If we look at it, lately, data scientists and data analysts are professions sought after by large companies because the management and translation of data are important for companies. In addition, the developments in the digital transformation era are so rapid, increasing the company’s need for this kind of profession.
You must understand that data is now a gold mine; hence, data sets have value. These data, of course, for people with expertise, can be used as a source of information. Later this information will be processed and used as material for decision-making. Well, the next question may be about who processes the data. The answer is data scientists and data analysts. But do not use the two interchangeably. It turns out that the two professions have differences. Check out the differences!
Definition of a Data Scientist and Data Analyst
Data Scientist
A data scientist’s job is to analyze and provide an overview of complex data sets. Their duties include collecting, processing, and analyzing large amounts of data, commonly called Big Data. Data scientists work more in terms of designing algorithms and predicting models. Now, the work of a data scientist itself is more time-consuming to create tools, automation systems, and search for methods to describe company information to solve complex problems.
Data Analyst
Well, a data analyst is someone who has full responsibility for processing data, making decisions, and visualizing it. In addition, data analysts are required to seek additional information to advance the business from various aspects. A data analyst collects raw information and then identifies trends that can help determine business strategy. Data analysts also focus on presenting statistical analysis to solve a problem.
Also read: College Majors to Become a Data Scientist in the Field of Data Science.
The Jobdescs Differences between Data Scientists and Data Analysts
Data Scientist
- Data scientists play a role in cleaning, processing, and processing big data.
- Usually, data scientists are involved in strategic planning for data analysis.
- In addition, data scientists analyze and optimize the use of Machine Learning (machines developed to be able to learn by themselves without direction from users).
Data Analyst
- Data analysts have a role in cleaning, analyzing, and visualizing data.
- Make a representation of the data obtained in a visual form so that it is easy to understand.
- They usually collaborate with the management division to understand the business needs of a company.
Based on the Ability Possessed
Data Scientist
A data scientist needs machine learning algorithm skills. The data scientist profession has a significant impact on search engines using algorithms. The data scientist profession also requires someone to understand mathematics, statistics, and advanced programming (Python, SQL, Java, etc.).
Data Analyst
A data analyst must be able to describe information and have good communication skills in submitting reports. Knowledge in the fields of mathematics and statistics is also required for data analysts. Usually, data analysts use various auxiliary software such as Excel, Google Analytics, Tableau, and others.
Differences in Educational Stages
Data Scientist
A data scientist usually takes a master’s, doctoral or equivalent-level education. Usually, a data scientist also has more than five years of experience in the field with study programs: data science, information technology, mathematics, or statistics.
Data Analyst
A data analyst is usually finance, computer science, statistics, or mathematics graduate. However, the profession of a data analyst does not require you to come from that field. One other way is to get professional certification as a data analyst.
Also read: Get to know Data Mining to Learn Data Science for Beginners.
Well, that’s the fundamental difference between a data scientist and a data analyst. Which profession are you more interested in?
Sources :
By Benedict Adithia | UMN News Service
English translation by Levina Chrestella Theodora
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