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September 9, 2022Illustation of a stategic communication graduate excited for her career. (Source : pexels.com)
Strategic Communication is a science that studies all forms of communications relating to business, brands, and companies. As part of the Communication Studies, the Strategic Communication Study Program will not only study communication carried out in the personal and group spheres but also focuses on communication carried out by a brand, organization, and company.
In addition, because communication science is born from various social science disciplines such as sociology, political science, anthropology, and international relations, plus the rapid development of media in Indonesia, it is not surprising that the job prospects for graduates are pretty varied.
So, along with the knowledge of communication learned in lectures, here are some of Indonesia’s best career prospects for communication science majors.
Public Relations
Becoming a public relations officer generally carries out organizational or company functions such as establishing relationships with the media, community, consumers, industry, and government. Public relations also play a role as a group representation, conflict mediation, relations between employees and investors, and is the organization’s representative with the public.
Public Relations is not the same as marketing but has similar roles. If Public Relations takes care of all communication activities, then marketing concentrates on sales. Later in their career, a public relations officer also plays a vital role in supporting the marketing team by building product and corporate image, developing loyalty, and overcoming various customer problems.
The ability to prioritize and plan effectively, as well as knowledge of business principles, resource allocation, HR modeling, and a perspective and understanding of sales and marketing, are some of the responsibilities of a public relations officer. For your information, the salary range for this profession is between Rp.4,500,000 – Rp. 8,000,000.
Also read: Get to Know More about the Super Fun Strategic Communication Department!
A Copywriter is a key to a company’s marketing. A copywriter is responsible for assembling creative words and content to promote or inform a product or service related to the image of a particular company or brand.
An important thing to note is that copywriters are different from content writers. Copywriters focus more on writing that can make the reader decide to buy or be able to persuade consumers. Meanwhile, content writers emphasize more on informative and educative writing.
The variety and job opportunities for copywriters are quite wide, ranging from making brand slogans to creating television commercial dialogue scripts, online shop captions, and composing words for an event poster. This profession is suitable for those who like a free atmosphere, like to learn new things, or are not suited to the same routine work every day. For your information, the salary range for this profession is between Rp. 4,000,000 – Rp. 12,000,000.
Content Creator
Illustration of a content creator. (Source: pexels.com)
With the development of digital media and digitalization in Indonesia, many companies, organizations, and individuals are competing to market their products online. One is social media (Instagram, Youtube, Tiktok, Twitter, etc.). In practice, one can start creating content via the internet platform. This is where learning about strategic communication with courses or topics like digital marketing, SEO, market analysis, and trends will help you. For your information, the early stages of becoming a content creator may cost some money. However, if you pursue this profession with passion and strategy, you can get an income range of IDR 3,500,000 – IDR 5,000,000 and even more.
Marketing Communication
A marketing communication person is responsible for compiling and designing appropriate marketing communication strategies according to the segmentation. For example, on the UMN campus, how can UMN appeal to new students to send a message that UMN is a fantastic and high-quality university? Then what marketing medium should be used? The marketing team also needs to determine whether their marketing strategies are as expected by the company, in this case, Kompas Gramedia.
In this profession, you will often hear and even use this marketing: the ‘4P’s in marketing, namely product, price, place, and promotion. People in marketing communication are required to have good marketing and communication skills. Have observant skills, likes to analyze to understand the uniqueness and uniqueness of the company’s products or services, sociable, energetic, and open-minded. As information from this marketing communication profession, you can get an income range of IDR 3,000,000 – IDR 14,000,000.
Event Organizer
Being an event organizer (EO) or event planner is responsible for organizing an event, coordinating all parties involved, and ensuring everyone enjoy the event.
The events handled by EOs also vary, starting from convention events such as weddings, birthdays, opening business ceremonies, and funerals to corporate meetings. An EO does everything necessary to ensure an event runs smoothly, be it choosing a location, providing catering, photo and video documentation, accommodation, transportation, entertainment, etc.
An EO must have a high level of creativity, starting from managing production, concept, and decoration until the event is over and dedicating free time to providing clients with the right and continuous service.
Therefore, this profession is suitable for those who are creative, cheerful, enthusiastic, confident, and optimistic about their projects while still considering and taking on various risks that may arise when planning or during the event. For your information, the salary range for this profession is between Rp. 250,000 (for Freelance) – Rp. 3,000,000 (for EO staff).
Also read: Job Prospects for Digital Journalism Graduates, Content Writer to UX Writer.
There you go! Those are some career prospects for strategic communication graduates. Of course, many more career prospects can be a reference for strategic communication graduates. Hopefully, some of the career prospects mentioned above can be a reference for you in the future.
If you are interested in the Strategic Communication Study Program at Multimedia Nusantara University, you can visit the UMN official website. There is a lot of information about registration and campus profiles on the website.
By Iglo Montana | UMN News Service
English translation by Levina Chrestella Theodora
Kuliah di Jakarta untuk jurusan program studi Informatika| Sistem Informasi | Teknik Komputer | Teknik Elektro | Teknik Fisika | Akuntansi | Manajemen| Komunikasi Strategis | Jurnalistik | Desain Komunikasi Visual | Film dan Animasi | Arsitektur | D3 Perhotelan , di Universitas Multimedia Nusantara. www.umn.ac.id