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MMT UMN Wins Three Silver Medals at the International Business Sustainability Event
April 26, 2022Ninok Leksono, the Chancellor of Multimedia Nusantara University (Doc. Rakorda Publication Team)
Tangerang – Multimedia Nusantara University (UMN) is back with another achievement. This time, UMN acquired their achievement from The Higher Education Service Institute (Lembaga Layanan Pendidikan Tinggi/LLDikti) Region III at the Regional Coordination Meeting (Rapat Koordinasi Daerah/Rakorda) themed “Kampus Merdeka from Jakarta for Indonesia.” On this occasion, UMN received three awards from LLDikti Region III, namely, University With the Fastest Quality Improvement, 100% PDDIKTI Reporting in the Last 5 Years (From 2016 Odd Semesters to 2020 Even Semesters), and an Appreciation Award for Winners of the 2021 Matching Fund Program.
This award was received by Ninok Leksono, the Chancellor of UMN. He revealed that this award is for the university and would like to credit everyone despite their ranks. This award is for all UMN staff, whether academic or non-academic, who have worked hard and given their best to make UMN grow rapidly in various fields.
In just 10 years, which is a very short amount of time, UMN has received Accreditation A from the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education. This is one of UMN’s most proud achievements because, in the realm of Higher Education, UMN is still considered a young University. Furthermore, until this point in 2022, UMN has managed to maintain this accreditation for more than 5 years.
Ninok shared that receiving the Accreditation A is the foundation and boost for achieving international accreditation, making UMN an international-class university.
“The challenges are not easy, especially in the midst of disruption in various fields. But UMN is determined to respond to these challenges in order to reach a higher level,” Ninok said.
So, in the 2022 LLDikti Region III Regional Coordination Meeting, UMN was presented the “University with the Fastest Quality Improvement” award.
“UMN also won awards in the field of academic reporting for five consecutive years. It implies good administrative order based on strict discipline. UMN really appreciates the award given by LLDikti Region III,” Ninok shared.
Ninok also revealed that the tasks and challenges would be even more difficult in the future because of the fast-paced, dynamic, and constantly changing environment.
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“I invite colleagues, whether it be UMN leaders, academics, and non-academics to continue to improve their work performance, and always anticipate in responding to changes that may occur,” Ninok continued.
In 2021, UMN received the largest funding. UMN is 4th out of 19 Matching Fund winners in the LLDikti Region III, gaining a total of IDR 5,437,803,000 from the Directorate General of Higher Education and other partners. Hence, UMN is entitled to the “Appreciation Award for 2021 Matching Fund Program Winners” award from the LLDikti Region III.
Ninok also shared that as of right now and in the future, hard work and smart working are needed due to be able to respond to and face the disruptions and challenges UMN may face in this constant-changing world. By doing so, UMN will not only be an outstanding leading university in Indonesia but also maintain its Accreditation and qualify to become a World Class University.
“This step is also in line with UMN’s efforts to excel not only in the national arena, but also internationally, so that it deserves the title of ‘World Class University’,” Ninok said in his closing statement.
LLDikti Region III also gave a number of awards to universities that have maintained their quality well, one of which is UMN. For the past 15 years, UMN, through its achievements, has shown unexceptional commitment to becoming a leading university in the realm of Higher Education in Indonesia.
By Patricia Valencia
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