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Hatch by Katapel (dock. Instagram @hatchbykatapel)
TANGERANG – Multimedia Nusantara University together with Ketapel supported by the Ministry of Education and Culture and Kedai Reka initiated a program called “Hatch” in 2021. Hatch is an incubation program of creative intellectual property that includes comics, illustrations, games, books, and movies. This program is intended for students and creators of Intellectual Property (IP) beginners.
Hatch by Catapult Program Director Grace Kusnadi revealed that IP creators are people who realize the results of their thoughts or ideas so that they have Intellectual Property (IP) or intellectual property. Through this incubation program, Grace says “Hatch” comes as a learning platform to help creators realize their IP. He also hopes that this program can give birth to quality IP made by IP creators in Indonesia so that it can compete with world-class IP.
“We have great talents in the field of creative IP, such as comics, illustrators, writers, games, and others. However, they do not yet understand that what they create is IP. On the other hand, budding IP creators are also still confused how to realize their work so that it can become an IP that has potential,” Grace said when contacted via Instagram @hatchbykatapel on Wednesday (09/22/21).
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Grace also explained that there are two stages offered in this incubation program, namely webinars and mentoring. In the webinar session, he said all participants will be given basic material about the construction of an IP. After the webinar, Grace explained that all participants were also given the opportunity to fix their IP proposals to be better according to the material during the webinar. Then, IP creators whose proposals pass the selection will get a mentoring session. In this incubation program, Hatch by Catapult will select as many as 20 IPs to get mentoring facilities and realize its IP prototype
“Some of the points that are the basis of the selection are the readiness of IP creators in realizing their IP, be it in terms of concept, premise, storytelling, and others,” grace said.
Hatch by Catapult has opened its first registration on September 13-24, 2021. For registration, UMN Friends can directly click on the following link: bit.ly/hatchbykatapel.
By Melinda Chang | UMN News Service
Kuliah di Jakarta untuk jurusan program studi Informatika| Sistem Informasi | Teknik Komputer | Teknik Elektro | Teknik Fisika | Akuntansi | Manajemen| Komunikasi Strategis | Jurnalistik | Desain Komunikasi Visual | Film dan Animasi | Arsitektur | D3 Perhotelan | International Program, di Universitas Multimedia Nusantara. www.umn.ac.id