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Q&A session with speakers Dedhy Trunoyudho (top right), Angga Ariestya, M.Si. (bottom left), Mayang Manguri Rahayu, S.T., M.T. (bottom right) at the Dine-In Greenate 2021 event. (Doc. UMN)
TANGERANG – Lecturer of the Faculty of Communication Sciences, Multimedia Nusantara University (UMN) held Community Service (PKM) activities in the form of a webinar titled “Digitalization for Food Waste Management”. This event is in collaboration with umn eco student activity organization and supported by UMN Research and Community Service Institute (LPPM). This webinar was included in one of the series of Greenate 2021 food waste-themed events held Monday, September 13, 2021 through Zoom.
Greenate is the second series of events from UMN ECO 2021 activities by carrying the concept of fast food restaurants that serve Dine-In and Take-Away activities. This webinar event is included in the Dine-In program that participants hope to absorb the material delivered and implement it in everyday life to reduce food waste.
Umn ECO 2021 Chairman Caristheo Bonancy explained, “Dine-In is a webinar that will discuss how the impact of food waste becomes a dangerous thing for our environment. This will certainly be discussed by experts through various perspectives today. I hope eco friends can take the webinar seriously and get new material and insight into food waste.” !.!.!
In line with UMN ECO activities, from the beginning UMN was designed as an environmentally friendly and energy efficient campus. Solid, liquid, and semi-liquid wastes are processed and reused. Such as liquid and semi-solid waste that comes from toilets that are reprocessed in the Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) section and produce clean water used for watering plants, machine cooling, and flushing toilets.
In his speech, Vice Rector for General Administration and Finance of UMN Ir. Andrey Andoko, M.Sc. explained, for the energy use of UMN buildings designed as energy-efficient buildings consisting of two UMN buildings, namely New Media Tower and P.K. Ojong-Jakob Oetama Tower which won 1st and 2nd place as the most energy-efficient buildings in ASEAN at the ASEAN Energy Award event.
“UMN also managed to be ranked 199th in the world in the UI Greenmetric World University Rankings and in Jabodetabek UMN entered as the greenest campus because it was ranked 1 of the greenest private campuses,” he continued.
Also read UMN Greenest Private Campus in Jakarta to Host UI Greenmetric LLDIKTI III Workshop 2021
This webinar was attended by about 600 participants and also invited Cinthia Kusuma Rani Miss Earth Indonesia 2019 as moderator and three speakers Dedhy Trunoyudho Initiator in The Food Guard, Angga Ariestya, M.Si. Lecturer of FIKOM UMN and PhD Student Charles University, and Mayang Manguri Rahayu, S.T., M.T. Environmental Engineering Lecturer.
In the first session, Dedhy delivered material about “Why throw it away if it can feed people in need?”. In his material, Deddy explained about the use of food waste that can still be used for resale at a cheaper price and leftovers that are not worth eating to be processed as animal feed.
The second session, Angga conveyed about “Digital Green Storytelling and Public Awareness about Food Waste Management”. Focusing on the perspective of social and communication communities through technological sophistication for information on how to process food waste that must be balanced.
The third session, Mayang discussed material on “Environmental Challenges for Health”. There is a danger arising from removing waste simultaneously without any processing first.
Greenate event continues until Friday, September 17, 2021 with a choice of Take-Away programs, participants will be presented with three different menus, namely Exhort, Alter, and Tidbit which will later be taken home and participants do it from their respective homes. This activity is designed in the order of food processing so that participants can represent this activity in everyday life as a measure of food waste prevention.
By Annisa Maulida | UMN News Service
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