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August 26, 2021
Putri Mahardhikarini as Head of Public Relations and Influence in Ogilvy Indonesia (left) as a speaker at the Startalk event. (Doc. UMN)
TANGERANG – Skystar Ventures held a Startalk webinar session with the topic “Optimizing Multi-channel Integrated Marketing Communications to Actualize Startups’ Goal”. Also invited Putri Mahardhikarini as Head of Public Relations and Influence in Ogilvy Indonesia as a speaker. This event was held online through Zoom, Tuesday (08/24/2021).
Multi-channel message optimization can be very beneficial in startup marketing strategies, especially social media that has a wide reach and more choices. However, messaging across multiple channels can sometimes be a boomerang for communication purposes when not planned in detail and structured.
Therefore, an Integrated Marketing Communication strategy is needed so that messages spread across various channels remain similar and optimized.
“Indonesia has many startups recorded based on data from tracxn.com there are 4,728 startups. Of the many startups in Indonesia and the many opportunities to get capital, it takes a way to be seen by stakeholders, especially investors. Because the problem is almost everything is in the same market, “said Putri.
Putri explained that the first way to be known by stakeholders and audiences, namely by show and tell about the brand, establish brand differences with other competitors, and identify and include stakeholders by knowing and understanding their characteristics and needs.
Also read Startalk: Achieving Startup’s Recognition with Optimized Branding and Marketing Strategies

Princess Mahardhikarini delivering material at the Startalk event. (Doc. UMN)
Of the first three things that have been obtained, then determine how to reach the stakeholders. This reach can be done by meeting one by one in person or virtual meetings or per community, through social media, newspaper or digital media, or through television.
“That way the thing that needs to be done, which is to determine the purpose of your business wants to be known by potential customers, the government, or to attract the attention of investors. Because of the objectives, the activities carried out, the content delivered, and the channel will be different. Then choose the target audience you want to go to, determine the message or content according to the target audience, and the channel that needs to be considered according to the target audience, “continued Putri.
At the end of the discussion, Putri said that the multi-channel communication approach needs to have strong insights and can be accounted for validation of its data to determine the content to be created. As well as creating a content calendar to help understand and define the form of content and channels that bring a huge influence in building impact for your business.
*by Annisa Maulida | UMN News Service
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